Nine lanterns-16 Ideas for scenario based eLearning



16 Ideas for Scenario Based eLearning To a video of Scott Wallace presenting at the eLearning Association's PechaKucha Night

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16 Ideas for Scenario-based E-learning

The health sector and scenario-based e-learning

Story: time, place, character, emotion

Idea 1: Read the work of Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock on narrative

Idea 2: Narrative has more power to engage than non-narrative communication.

Idea 3: Narrative transportation can influence an audience’s beliefs without them knowing it.

Idea 4: Subconscious influence via narrative transportation is effective in ‘sneaking around’ resistance to a message.

Idea 5: Narrative can create a sense of self-efficacy.

Idea 6: Narrative can create para-social relationships.

Idea 7: Narrative makes attitude change more persistent by engaging at the cognitive and affective level.

Idea 8: Narrative may not be as suitable for clear, unambiguous information transfer.

Idea 9: Read Ruth C. Clark’s work on scenario-based

e-learning. Scenario-based e-learning is a pre-planned guided inductive learning environment designed to accelerate expertise in which the learner assumes the role of an actor responding to a work-realistic assignment or challenge, which in turn responds to reflect the learner’s choices (Clark, 2013, p. 5).

Idea 10: ‘Fake branching’ scenarios can save money.

Idea 11: Users still feel in control in ‘fake branching’ scenarios.

Idea 12: Most current e-learning scenarios lack the freedom of choice: ‘Choose my own adventure’.

Idea 13: True role plays let you see the world through other people’s eyes.

Idea 14: Making wrong or bad decisions in character is educationally useful.

Idea 15: RPGs are a modern version of ‘mask work’.

Idea 16: RPGs let you explore your own ‘personalities’.
