Newspapers and social media


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Newspapers and Social media

Tabloids Tabloids are newspapers which are aimed towards working class people, therefore they contain news which appeals to a mass audience such as popular culture news about music, television, film and celebrities.

This is an example of a tweet made by The Sun, this tweet is about celebrity gossip which fits in perfectly with the tabloid culture. The Sun uses Twitter as a way to engage with their audience beyond the publication

The Sun The Sun uses Twitter to bring awareness to current affairs in order to educate the public on what is happening around them, they also cover high profile international news.

In this post The Sun Is using their voice to bring attention to a very sensitive topic about how woman are potrayed in fashion.

Being a tabloid, The Sun is read by middle class commoners, it is therefore their role to report on trending stories which are to do with popular culture.

Although The Sun is mainly centered around popular culture and soft news, it is also important that they report on serious news which is of importance.

Broadsheets Broadsheets are read by the upper class social group, therefore they contain hard news and reflect on serious topics. Politics and economics are key subjects found within a broadsheet newspaper.

In this tweet, The Guardian is reporting on economics within Europe, how I don’t think that they have used social media effectively as this tweet does not make you want to read further.

Being a widely read paper, The Guardian reports on international high profile news, such as news on the Ebola scandal.

Due to their demographic, The Guardian uses reviews on popular new products which are of interest to their audience.

The Guardian posts on political news which affects us in the UK. In this post The Guardian uses social media to reflect on what they have put on their newspaper. Social media acts as a further discussion forum to what has been put in the newspaper.

The Washington Post, uses social media to report on the first lady. Being an international newspaper, the Washington Post uses social media to report on news and people who are known worldwide.

In this post, the Washington Post uses a question to make the public talk. Ebloa is a worldwide epidemic and the Washington Post acts as a forum for people to have further discussions.

Once again the Washington Post uses a short sentence to evoke the public. They use social media effectively to engage readers and get people talking.
