


This presentation is for use when covering newspapers in an introductory mass media course. Includes early newspapers, yellow journalism, newspapers golden age, types of newspapers, newspaper diversity, impact of convergence on newspapers.

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Newspapers: Where Journalism Begins

Chapter OutlineHistoryIndustryControversies

The First Newspapers First newspaper, printed from wooden blocks▪ Over 1200 years ago

Early 1600s Gutenberg’s printing press (moveable type)▪ Allowed newspapers to be mass produced.

The Newspaper in Early America Publick Occurrences▪ Published in 1690 by Benjamin Harris, ▪ First “newspaper” in America.

▪ Kidnapping, suicide, & other sensationalism

▪ British rule closed down the paper after one issue.

Boston News-Letter▪ Published by John Campbell - 1704▪ First American paper to last more than one issue

▪ Started off handwritten, began printing after growth

The front page is for Hard news Current event stories

that have impact on people’s lives.

The Editorial page Place for properly

labeled opinion pieces

Feature news, also known as soft news, Directed more toward human interest and curiosity.

The papers in early America Faced seditious libel laws

▪ Illegal to print negative content about government

Small weeklies (about 4 pages)▪ Expensive for majority of people

Fought the stamp act▪ “No taxation without representation”

Helped gain support for revolution

The penny press▪ Created by the New York Sun▪ Published by Benjamin Day

▪ Sold for one penny, in 1833.

Newsprint ▪ Inexpensive paper & steam press helped to rapidly produce copies.

Information was more accessible▪ Huge circulation

▪ Lot’s of advertising revenue

▪ Sensationalism

Associated Press in 1848 led to a more objective news.▪ (How?)

Yellow journalism, ▪ Increased competition led to unprecedented sensationalism▪ (What is that?)

▪ Reached height in the Hearst-Pulitzer wars of the 1890s.

The first Tabloid was the New York Daily News ▪ Sensationalism of the yellow press, abundant use of pictures▪ Tabloid = Smaller, easier to handle, page.

What are some cuurent examples of Yellow Journalism What characteristics define a tabloid?

The Newspapers Most newspapers are local dailies; ▪ Strength is presenting in-depth local news, information and

advertising not handled as well by other media.

Lets see if we can name 6 local daily’s ▪ Outside of California, New York, and Washington DC

Alternative press Underground press▪ Radical views of politics, questioned the


Alternative papers Provide viewpoint that’s usually radical or out of the

mainstream. The Chicano press, which targets Mexican-Americans,▪ Makes up the majority of Hispanic papers.

Ethnic press▪ Newspaper aimed at particular cultural groups, has

important role in U.S. history.▪ African Americans, Hispanics or Native Americans,

▪ Freedom’s Journal, ▪ The first black newspaper, was established in 1827.

There are more than 170 African American newspapers More than 800 Spanish language newspapers Plus a variety of publications targeting▪ Other ethnic groups▪ Subcultures

What are some local ethnic papers in (Your Area)

What some benefits or disadvantages of ethnic/subculture papers?

Newspapers have shifted to mostly morning editions.▪ Historically they have adapted to competition from▪ Newsreels

▪ Radio

▪ Television

▪ Cable

▪ Internet

▪ What do newspapers offer that broadcast news lacks?

▪ How did newspapers adapted to each of these?

▪ Will Newspapers be able to adapt to convergence? How?

There are many organizations that help promote fairness NABJ NAHJ AAJA NLGJA

The Staff Advertising ▪ includes sales representatives and layout people.

The production department ▪ Runs the presses.

The circulation department ▪ Arranges for delivery to newsstands, homes,

stores, and vending machines.

Concentration of Ownership Critics fear this reduces diversity of opinions to readers.

Chains respond that broadcast, cable, and Internet news ▪ Provide access to a diversity of viewpoints.

What are two competing local newspapers in the Bay Area?

Lack of Diversity in the Newsroom In the 1970s, National Commission on the Causes of Violence▪ Pointed out that lack of minority viewpoint in the nation’s press was partially

to blame for the alienation felt by many ethnic groups.

In 1978 The American Society of Newspaper Editors resolved▪ Minority employment should match the % of minorities in the population

In 2010, 13 percent of daily newspaper journalists were black, Hispanic, Asian-American and American Indian, ▪ The Census bureau reported that 32 percent of the population belonged to

those groups. (The