Newspaper advertisement 2




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CHANNEL 4 Mise-en-scene is specifically used to create the main effect in this newspaper advertisement. A urban city environment is shown through dark shadowed lighting representing the ‘forgotten children’ being lost in the alleys and buildings within a city. It focuses on the girl with slightly brighter lighting showing she is the primary image within the article. As well as this the blurred image of legs shows the environment to be constantly in movement, it emphasises the idea of ‘forgotten’ therefore causing the image to tell us more about the program than writing itself would. Much like the other Channel 4 advertisements we have seen this advertisement again goes for a minimalist approach in order to shock and startle the audience. It follows the typical convention of a simple ‘4’ symbol to represent the channel. It does not stand out against the background therefore showing how well known the symbol is to the public, and representing themselves as a channel who focuses on the subject at hand, as opposed to the publicity they can gain from it.Channel 4 also have an extreme lack of writing on their adverts. By simply naming the show and a brief tag line to state the start the only other information we have is that which we can assume from the image provided, therefore piquing our interest and intriguing us to watch and find out more.


This advert is again aimed at a more mature audience. The message behind the image is

not something that would be understood by a usual younger viewer therefore causing us

to assume they are aiming at a 18+ if not 30+ audience base. As well as this, the idea

of ‘forgotten children’ emphasises that it is aimed at an older audience, who are able to

reflect of the subject and understand it. The responsibility of adult is to act in the best

interest of the younger generation therefore by emphasising an issue that is present

within all societies people are able to relate, and be effected by the documentary

therefore remembering it. The child is also surrounded by adults ignoring her please

suggesting to us that the children need the help of the older generation. They are the

people who are able to make a difference therefore by placing them on the

advertisement it subconsciously causes their target audience to be draw to it, and thus

more likely to watch it.
