New zealand


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New Zealand

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Mount Cook

Mount Cook is New Zealand’s tallest mountain

Many famous climbers have climbed to its peak including Sir Edmund Hilary


Rotorua is famous for its hot mud pools

These pools cause the town to smell like sulfur, or rotten eggs

The mud pools can reach temperatures up to 400 and 500 degrees Celsius


Auckland is the biggest city in New Zealand

It is on the north island

Many tourists visit Auckland


Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand

It is located on the bottom tip of the north island


Christchurch is one of the biggest cities in New Zealand

It is located on the south island


Dunedin is located on the southern tip of the south island

It is the second largest city

Hamilton Hamilton is the capital

of the Waikato It is located on the

north island This is a photo of the

Hamilton temple

Queenstown This is a town where

everyone lives for thrill

Bungee jumping, skydiving, and jet boating are very common

The Beehive Building Located in Wellington

this is the Parliament building

It was designed by a Scottish architect who modeled it after a beehive

Parnell Rose Gardens This garden has over

4,000 roses It is an attraction very

popular with botanists

The Octagon

This is the town square in Dunedin, NZ

Maori People The Maori people are

the native people of New Zealand

They originally came from Polynesia

The Kiwi Bird This is the national

bird of New Zealand New Zealanders are

called Kiwis
