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RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 1

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology ISSN: 2231-3826 (Online), ISSN: 2347-7245 (Print)

Volume 7, Issue 1

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia): A Natural Gift in

Support of the Research in Medicine and Biotechnology

Zahoor Ahmad Parray1, Shabir Ahmad Parray

2,*, Asimul Islam1

1Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia,

New Delhi, India 2Department of Ilmus Saidla (Unani Pharmacy), Mohammadia Tibbia College, Mansoora Malegaon,

Nashik, India

Abstract Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is acknowledged to be nature’s silent healer. It is a

prospective herbal plant applied world widely in traditional systems of medicine (TSM) to

modern medicine. It is medically very effective for various diseases such as diabetes, blood

coagulation, cancer, menstrual stimulation and several diseases. Momordica fruit is

frequently used in TSM, because it is very potent for cure, multidimensional function and

reduces the consequences of diseases. Bitter guard is well-known to have hypoglycaemic

activity. The endeavor of this review is to comprehend the knowledge of plants used in TSM

and in applied biotechnology, for researches in relation to formulate their use by eloquent

their pharmacological properties, therapeutic agents so that the data and information of this

review could be utilized in drawing approaches for coherent and more systematic and

scientific use of medicinal plants in an approach that can be complete point of view for

scientific and technical analysis in miscellaneous aspects. Here, we would like to light on its

contribution in the field of biotechnology, and few highlights from TSM. In addition, we will

uncover the supplementary medicinal properties of M. charantia that will help researchers to

pull in concert data regarding the fruit effortlessly.

Keywords: Momordica charantia, biotechnology, bitter gourd, traditional system of medicine


*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

INTRODUCTION From ancient days to now a day, medicinal

plants have played a potential and useful role

for the treatment of several diseases and

disorders. One of the common tropical

vegetable is Momordica charantia (MC), also

known as nature’s silent healer [1]. Latin name

Momordica means “to bite” (referring to the

jagged edges of the leaf, which appear as if

they have been bitten). MC, bitter gourd or

Karela is the member of Cucurbitaceae family,

and is a commonly consumed vegetable in

India [1, 2].

The additional well-known names are bitter

melon, balsam pear, Qisaul Himaar in Arabic,

and Karela in Urdu and Hindi, respectively [3,

4]. Plant grows in tropical areas of the

Amazon, East Africa, Asia, India, South

America and Caribbean; it is used traditionally

as both food and medicine. The plant is

climbing perennial with elongated fruit that

resembles a warty gourd or cucumber. The

unripe fruit is white or green in color and has a

bitter taste that becomes more pronounced as

the fruit ripens [5].


USES It grows in tropical areas, including parts of

the Amazon, East Africa, Asia, and the

Caribbean, widely grown in India and other

parts of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast

Asia, China, Africa, and the Caribbean. Bitter

gourd, also known as balsam pear, is a tropical

vegetable widely cultivated in Asia, Africa and

South America. Bitter melon comes in a

variety of shapes and sizes. The typical

Chinese phenotype is 20–30 cm long, oblong

with bluntly tapering ends and pale green in

color, with a gently undulating, warty surface.

The bitter melon more typical of India has a

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Parray et al.

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 2

narrower shape with pointed ends, and a

surface covered with jagged, triangular "teeth"

and ridges [6, 7].

In the Amazon, local people and indigenous

tribes grow bitter melon in their gardens for

food and medicine. They add the fruit and/or

leaves to beans and soup for a bitter or sour

flavor; parboiling it first with a dash of salt may

remove some of the bitter taste. Medicinally,

the plant has a long history of use by the

indigenous peoples of the Amazon. A leaf tea is

employed for diabetes; as a carminative for

colic; topically for sores, wounds, and

infections; internally and externally for worms

and parasites and as an antiviral agent for

measles, hepatitis, and feverish conditions. In

Brazilian herbal medicine, bitter melon is used

for tumors, wounds, rheumatism, malaria,

leucorrhea, inflammation, menstrual problems,

diabetes, colic, fevers, worms, to induce

abortions, and as an aphrodisiac. It is also

employed topically for skin problems, vaginitis,

hemorrhoids, scabies, itchy rashes, eczema, and

leprosy. In Mexico, the entire plant is used for

diabetes and dysentery; the root is a reputed

aphrodisiac. In Peruvian herbal medicine, the

leaf or aerial parts of the plant are used to treat

measles, malaria, and all types of inflammation.

In Nicaragua, the leaf is commonly used for

stomach pain, diabetes, fevers, colds, coughs,

headaches, malaria, skin complaints, menstrual

disorders, aches and pains, hypertension,

infections, and as an aid in childbirth [2, 6–8].

Momordica charantia (MC) have provided

many remedies for various diseases from

ancient days to now a day.


MEDICINAL USES It has been used in various Asian traditional

medicines [2, 8, 9]. In TSM, especially in

Unani and Ayurvedic systems, the fruit is

considered as tonic, stomachic, stimulant,

emetic, antibilious, laxative and alterative.

Like most bitter-tasting foods, bitter melon

stimulates digestion, and hence used in

dyspepsia, and constipation [2, 9]. In the

classical literature of Unani system of

medicine, it is mentioned as demulcent,

deobstruent, anti-inflammatory and

anthelmintic; and used in treatment of cholera,

bronchitis, anemia, blood diseases, ulcer,

diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea rheumatism,

gout, worms, colic, disease of liver and spleen

[3, 4]. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is used for

indigestion, intestinal gas, menstrual

stimulation, wound healing, inflammation,

fever reduction, gonorrhea, hypertension, as a

laxative and emetic [8, 10]. Fruits are used as

traditional medication to cure various diseases

such as rheumatism, gout, worms, colic,

disease of liver and spleen. It is also found

useful in the treatment of cancer and diabetes

[9, 11, 12]. The medicinal values of bitter

melon, lies in the bioactive phytochemical

constituents that are nonnutritive chemicals

that produce clear-cut physiological effects on

human body and protect them from various

diseases. Juice of M. charantia leaves is used

to treat piles totally [11, 12].


PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES The unripe fruits are a good source of vitamin

C and also render vitamin A, phosphorus and

iron [13]. Fresh bitter melon is also used as a

nourishing food, as it contains 93.8% water,

0.9% protein, 0.1% lipid, 3.3% dietary fiber,

20 kJ energy per 100 g, 0.6% ash, and a small

quantity (0.05%) of vitamin C [14]. The fruit

bitter melon be full of various compounds that

act agonistically to the compounds in body and

function correspondingly i.e., contains

phytonutrient, polypeptide-P—a plant

insulin—known to lower blood sugar levels. In

addition it also contain hypoglycaemic agent

called charantin. Charantin increases glucose

uptake and glycogen synthesis in the cells of

liver, muscle and adipose tissue. Together,

these compounds are thought to be responsible

for reduction of blood sugar levels in the

treatment of type-2 diabetes [15, 16].

Polypeptide-P, a plant insulin, charantin,

vicine, glycosides, and karavilosides improve

blood sugar levels by increasing glucose

uptake and glycogen synthesis in the liver,

muscles, and fat cells [15, 16]. M. charantia is

rich in various biologically active chemicals

including triterpenes, proteins, and steroids.

Triterpenes of M. charantia has the ability to

inhibit the enzyme guanylate cyclase that is

thought to be linked to the cause of psoriasis.

In addition, guanylate cyclase is one of the

important enzymes, necessary for the growth

of leukemia and other cancer cells. In addition

to these biologically active triterpenes, M.

charantia proteins such as momordin, alpha-

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology

Volume 7, Issue 1

ISSN: 2231-3826 (Online), ISSN: 2347-7245 (Print)

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 3

and beta-momorcharin and cucurbitacin B

were also tested for possible anticancerous

effects [17, 18].


CLINICAL RESEARCH Karela contains an array of biologically active

plant chemicals including triterpenes, proteins,

steroids, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and

acids due to which plant possesses antifungal,

antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral,

antifertility, anti-inflammatory, antitumorous,

hypoglycaemic and anticarcinogenic

properties [19–22].

Similarly, clinical conditions for which M.

charantia extracts (primarily from the fruit)

are currently being used include diabetes,

dyslipidemia, microbial infections, and

potentially as a cytotoxic agent for certain

types of cancer [23, 24]. It is well known that

dietary fiber rich diets are beneficial in the

management of diabetes. The dietary fibers are

known to differ from source to source in terms

of their chemical nature, functionality and

fermentability [25, 26]. Some of the clinical

trials have reported that it has highly potential

benefits during diabetes [26]. Few important

scientific studies are mentioned here:

Antidiabetic and Hypoglycaemic Activity It is a potent hypoglycaemic agent due to

alkaloids and insulin-like peptides and a

mixture of steroidal sapogenins known as

charantin. Bitter melon's hypoglycaemic

ingredients have been shown in animal and

human studies [12]. In numerous studies, at

least three different groups of constituents

found in all parts of Momordica have

clinically demonstrated hypoglycaemic

properties or other actions of potential benefit

against diabetes mellitus [27, 28]. Bitter melon

has been shown to increase the number of β

cells in the pancreas thereby improving the

body's ability to produce insulin [27]. The

effect of M. charantia fruit juice on the

distribution and number of α, β and δ cells in

the pancreas of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced

diabetic rats using immunohistochemical

methods was investigated and the results

suggested that oral feeding of M. charantia

fruit juice may have a role in the renewal of β

cells in STZ-diabetic rats or alternately may

permit the recovery of partially destroyed β

cells [29].

Studies have shown both the aqueous and

alcoholic extracts of the fruit possess

hypoglycaemic activity in streptozotocin-

induced diabetic rats by inhibiting the enzyme

fructose 1, 6-diphosphatase and glucose 6

phosphatase and at the same time stimulating

the enzyme glucose 6 phosphate

dehydrogenase [28, 30]. This fruit has also

shown the ability to enhance cells’ uptake of

glucose, to promote insulin release, and to

potentiate the effect of insulin [31].

Bitter melon has reduced blood glucose and

lipids in both normal and diabetic animals,

protected β cells, enhanced insulin sensitivity

and reduced oxidative stress [32]. Blood sugar

support can be achieved by taking a

combination of bitter melon, N-acetyl

cysteine, goat’s rue, cinnamon, vanadium,

quercetin, vitamin C, vitamin E and B6.

Components of bitter melon extract appear to

have structural similarities to animal insulin

[14]. In rats, oral bitter melon juice has been

found to potentiate the glucose-lowering

effects of the sulfonylurea tolbutamide [22].

Alcoholic extracted charantin from M.

charantia consists of mixed steroids, and in an

animal model of diabetes it improved glucose

tolerance to a degree similar to the oral

hypoglycaemic agent—tolbutamide [15].

A clinical trial of diagnosed type-I diabetes, in

which a subcutaneous injection of bitter gourd

extract containing crystallized p-insulin,

showed statistically significant decrease in

blood sugar levels as compared to controls.

The onset of p-insulin’s effect was noted 30–

60 min after administration, with peak effect

ranging widely from 4–12 h [33].

Another study was carried out to examine the

effect of edible portion of bitter gourd at 10%

level in the diet of streptozotocin-induced

diabetic rats. Different parameters such as diet

intake, gain in body weight, water intake, urine

sugar, urine volume, glomerular filtration rate

and fasting blood glucose profiles were

monitored. Renal hypertrophy, glomerular

filtration rate and fasting blood glucose was

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Parray et al.

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 4

significantly reduced as 38%, 27%, and 30%,

respectively by bitter gourd [27].

Anti-inflammatory Activity

Previously, a triterpene 5β, 19-epoxy-25-

methoxy-cucurbita-6, 23-diene-3β 19-diol

(EMCD), purified from M. charantia L. wild

variant WB24, was found to activate AMP-

activated protein kinase (AMPK) and have a

hypoglycaemic effect in TNF-α-treated FL83B

cells. AMPK has been a target for developing

antidiabetic medicine and suggested to play a

role in anti-inflammation [34]. Consequently,

the expression of inflammatory markers

including inducible nitric oxide synthase

(iNOS), the p65 subunit of nuclear factor-kβ

(NF-kβ), protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1B,

TNF-α and interleukin-1β were significantly

elevated by TNF-α in the cell, and EMCD

obviously suppressed the TNF-α-induced

expression of these markers. When the effect

of EMCD was tested simultaneously with

epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)—a

catechin from green tea reported to be anti-

inflammatory—EMCD showed a more

obvious anti-inflammatory activity than

EGCG does [35].

Anticancer Activity

MC extracts in cancer patients, in vitro studies

indicate bitter melon fruit and seed extracts

inhibit the growth of several cancer cell lines,

including prostate adenocarcinoma [36],

human colon cancer (Caco-2 cells) [37], and

the highly metastatic breast cancer cell line

MDA-MB-231 [38].

A research indicated that MC extracts modify

the immune response in cancer patients via

decreased intestinal secretion of interleukin-7,

reduced lymphocyte number, and increased T-

helper and natural killer cell populations [39].

The characterization of the compounds from

bitter gourd and their inhibitory effects on the

activation of Epstein-Barr virus early antigen

(EBV-EA) by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-

acetate (TPA) in Raji cells by compounds 1-18

(MeOH extract) of M. charantia fruit. In

addition, the other extracted compounds

showed inhibitory effect on cancer; two-stage

mouse skin carcinogenesis tests were reported

[40]. It was reported that M. charantia

fractions were also rich in different types of

phenolic compounds that have strong

antioxidant activity as well as perform as

antimutagenic and antitumor compounds [41].

Momordin is another phytochemical that has

clinically demonstrated anticancerous activity

against Hodgkin’s lymphoma in vivo and

several other in vivo studies have shown the

cytostatic and antitumor activity of the entire

plant of bitter melon [42].

Antihyperlipidemic Activity

Five compounds in bitter melon increases the

activity of adenosine-5-monophosphate kinase

(AMPK)—an enzyme that facilitates cellular

glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation.

Hypoglycaemic agents in bitter melon

promotes efficient oxidation of glucose into

fuel, and conversion into starch [17]. The

compounds in bitter melon improves lipid

profile and reduces liver secretion of

apolipoprotein B (Apo B) and apolipoprotein

C- III expression; and increases the expression

of apolipoprotein A-1 (ApoA1) and hence

increase the HDL ratio. It also lowers cellular

triglyceride content.

In another in vivo study, bitter melon fruit

and/or seed have been shown to reduce total

cholesterol and triglyceride both in the

presence and absence of dietary cholesterol.

The fruit and seed of bitter melon have

demonstrated (in animal studies) to lower

blood cholesterol levels [19].

Hepatoprotective and Antioxidative


A carcinogen-induced lipid peroxidation in

liver and DNA damage in lymphocytes were

studied by the treatment of M. charantia. The

fruit extract was found to significantly activate

liver enzymes glutathione S-transferase,

glutathione peroxidase and catalase, which

showed a depression following exposure to the

carcinogen. The result suggested the

preventive role of water soluble constituents of

M. charantia fruit during carcinogenesis,

which is mediated possibly by their

modulatory effect on enzymes of

biotransformation and detoxification system of

host [10]. Semis et al. reported antioxidants

and chemoprotective action of M. charantia

fruit extracts [43].

In vivo immunological responses oxidative

stress of M. charantia plant extract on rats

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology

Volume 7, Issue 1

ISSN: 2231-3826 (Online), ISSN: 2347-7245 (Print)

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 5

showed decrease in the intestinal secretion of

Interleukin (IL)-7 and an increase in the

secretion of transforming growth factor

(TGF)-β and IL-10 and also inhibits the

degenerative process of oxidative stress [44].

Antifertility Effect

Bitter melon seeds contain momorcharin,

shown to have antifertility effects in female

mice. Bitter melon seed consumption is not

recommended in those seeking to become

pregnant [45]. Other studies showed ethanol

and water extracts of the fruit and leaf

(ingested orally) to be safe during pregnancy.

The seeds, however, have demonstrated the

ability to induce abortions in rats and mice,

and the root has been documented with a

uterine stimulant effect in animals. The fruit

and leaf of bitter melon has demonstrated an in

vivo antifertility effect in female animals; in

male animals, it was reported to affect the

production of sperm negatively. This plant has

been documented to reduce fertility in both

males and females and should therefore not be

used by those undergoing fertility treatment or

seeking pregnancy [46].

Antiviral and Anti HIV Studies

The extract of M. charantia contain α and β

momorcharin, lecithin and MAP30. They have

been documented to have in vitro antiviral

activity against Epstein barr, herpes, HIV [47],

Coxsackie virus B3 and polio viruses [48]. In

vitro studies have shown that bitter melon

extracts and the MAP30 protein analog—

isolated from the seeds of bitter gourd

extracts—possess broad-spectrum

antimicrobial activity; also inhibit the infection

and growth of several viruses, including HIV

[44, 49, 50], Herpes simplex [51, 52]. A

preliminary report on the effect of MC extract

in three HIV patients showed a normalization

of CD4/CD8 ratios with MC treatment. It is

believed that MC extracts inhibit HIV

replication by preventing syncytial formation

and cell-to-cell infection [53]. Another study

explained that HIV-infected cells treated with

alpha- and beta-momorcharin showed a nearly

complete loss of viral antigen while healthy

cells were largely unaffected. “In treating HIV

infections the protein is administered alone or

in conjunction with conventional AIDS

therapies” stated by inventors of MAP-30

protein analog in U.S. Patent. The proteins

(alpha and beta momorcharin) appeared to

modulate the activity of both T and B

lymphocytes and significantly suppressed the

macrophage activity [54].

Bitter melon has also been suggested as a

treatment for AIDS, but the evidence thus far

is too weak to even mention. Laboratory tests

suggest that compounds in bitter melon might

be effective for treating HIV infection. As

most compounds isolated from bitter melon

that impact HIV have either been proteins or

glycoproteins (lectins), neither of which are

well-absorbed, it is unlikely that oral intake of

bitter melon will slow HIV in infected people.

Clearly more research is necessary before this

could be recommended.

Antimicrobial and Antiprotozoal Activities

MC extracts also appear to inhibit the growth

of numerous gram-negative and gram-positive

bacteria, including Escherichia coli,

Salmonella, Shigella [55], Staphylococcus,

Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, and

Helicobacter pylori, and parasitic organisms

Entamoeba histolytica and Plasmodium

falciparum [56]. M. charantia leaves have

been shown to have antiprotozoal activity

against Trypanosoma brucei brucei and

Trypanosoma cruzi [57]. Antimicrobial

activity was evaluated for Pseudomonas

aeruginosa, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae

and Bacillus subtilis by using stokes disc

diffusion and well diffusion methods.

Methanolic plant extract showed a maximum

zone of inhibition in E.coli by disc method but

in well diffusion method Bacilli and Klebsiella

showed maximum inhibitory activity. The

evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy and

antioxidant activity of methanol and aqueous

extract of M. charantia was carried out, which

helps in the development of new, novel drugs

[58]. It was clinically demonstrated that broad

spectrum antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts

of bitter gourd, have reported in vitro

antibacterial activities of water, ethanol, and

methanol against E. coli, Staphylococcus,

Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Streptobacillus and

Streptococcus. An extract of the entire plant

have shown antiprotozoal activity against E.

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Parray et al.

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 6

histolytica [59]. In another study, a fruit

extract of Karela has demonstrated

antibacterial activity against the stomach

ulcer-causing bacteria H. pylori [60].

Antimalarial and Leishmaniasis Activity

According to the research findings of Waako

et al., M. charantia has antimalarial activity

and can thus be used in the prevention and

treatment of malaria. Other findings on crude

extracts of M. charantia showed significant

antiplasmodial activity [61, 62]. However, the

findings by Temitope et al., had shown that M.

charantia cause a significant decrease in mean

haemoglobin concentration in test animals

[63]. In view of the above studies, the use of

M. charantia as a therapy for malaria could

come with a serious consequence, because a

decrease in haemoglobin concentration in

already-anaemic and malaria-infected patients

will be aggregated. In this aspect, future

investigations should be done for clear

findings and conclusion.

Aqueous extract of the green fruits of the

Indian plant M. charantia and purified

Momordicatin structurally established as 4-(o-

carboethoxyphenyl) butanol were evaluated in

vitro and in vivo against kala azar caused by

Leishmania donovani. 50% inhibitory

concentration (IC50) against Leishmania

promastigotes in vitro for the crude extract and

Momordicatin were 0.6 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L,

respectively. When administered in the

hamster model of visceral leishmaniasis, 100%

parasite clearance was achieved at a dose of

300 mg/kg body weight of crude extract and

10 mg/kg body weight of Momordicatin [64].

Wound Healing Activity

Researchers found that M. charantia Linn.

fruit powder, in the form of an ointment (10%

w/w dried powder in simple ointment base),

showed a statistically significant response (P <

0.01), in terms of wound contracting ability,

wound closure time, period of mepithelization,

tensile strength of the wound and regeneration

of tissues at wound site when compared with

the control group. These results were

comparable with standard drug povidone

iodine ointment in an excision, incision and

dead space wound model in rats [59, 65].


BIOTECHNOLOGY Biotechnology is a very broad field of biology

including plant biotechnology, plant genetics,

recombinant DNA technology, microbiology,

immunology, molecular biology, molecular

genetics and supplementary subjects

associated within the subject all are reliant of

each other. Bitter gourd is a highly potent

herb, applied in the field of medical as well as

biotechnology. Bitter gourd serve as a

potential source of a functional protein isolate

as its seeds are rich in protein sources. Soy

protein isolates (SPI) and bitter melon seed

protein isolate (BMSPI) are high quality

protein because of presence of most essential

amino acids isolated. The functionalities of

these proteins were known that they comprise

emulsifying properties and foaming properties

[66]. Moreover, the high expression of

permeability-glycoproteins, P-gp (ATP-

binding cassette [ABC] transporter super

family), was observed which flushes out

hydrophobic drugs from a cell by using energy

obtained by hydrolyzing ATP in the cell

membrane of tumor cells. Higher intracellular

P-gp concentration will lower the intracellular

drug concentration. M. charantia active

compounds such as 1-monopalmitin and its

related compounds inhibit the P-gp activity in

the tumor cells [20, 21, 67–69]. In addition, it

has been seen that M. charantia decreased the

genotoxic activity of methylnitrosamine,

methanesulfonate and tetracycline, as shown

by the decrease in chromosome breakage [70].

Already mentioned regarding polypeptide –p

or p-insulin is an insulin-like hypoglycaemic

protein, shown to lower blood glucose levels

in gerbils, langurs and humans when injected

subcutaneously [71]. The p-insulin works by

mimicking the action of human insulin in the

body and thus may be used as plant-based

insulin replacement in patients with type-1

diabetes [72].

The research on nanoparticles in a number of

crops has evidenced for enhanced germination

and seedling growth, physiological activities

including photosynthetic activity and nitrogen

metabolism, mRNA expression and protein

level, and also positive changes in gene

expression indicating their potential use in

crop improvement. Nanobiotechnology can

boost crop production and quality of plant fruit

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology

Volume 7, Issue 1

ISSN: 2231-3826 (Online), ISSN: 2347-7245 (Print)

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 7

and the first evidence from increased plant

biomass, fruit yield and phytomedicine content

in bitter melon (M. charantia) was observed

[73]. Bitter melon was studied as a model to

evaluate the effects of seed treatment with a

carbon-based nanoparticle, fullerol

[C60(OH)20], on yield of plant biomass, fruit

characters and phytomedicine contents in

fruits. Fullerol-treatment resulted in increase

of up to 54% in biomass yield and 24% in

water content. Increases of up to 20% in fruit

length, 59% in fruit number, and 70% in fruit

weight led to an improvement up to 128% in

fruit yield. Contents of two anticancer

phytomedicines—cucurbitacin-B and

lycopene—were enhanced up to 74% and

82%, respectively; contents of two antidiabetic

phytomedicines— charantin and insulin—

were augmented up to 20% and 91%,

respectively [73]. Two comprehensive reviews

have presented evaluation of a variety of

nanomaterials (NMs), mostly metal-based

(MBNMs) and carbon-based (CBNMs), for

their absorption, translocation, accumulation,

and importantly, effects on growth and

development in an array of crop plants [74,

75]. Hence, demonstration of any increase of

its fruit yield and/or phytomedicine content

through nanobiotechnological intervention

could be useful to follow as a model for other

crops. Production of higher plant biomass as a

feedstock for bioenergy production has

recently emerged as an important target in

agriculture [76].


BITTER GOURD Genetic engineering can be used to produce

desirable agronomic characteristics quickly

and efficiently. Most plant transformation

procedures require a plant regeneration system

for efficient gene transfer, selection, and

regeneration of transgenic plants [77]. M.

charantia has shown the efficient regeneration

protocol for direct organogenesis [78, 79] and

somatic embryogenesis [80, 81]. Gene transfer

studies in cucurbits such as Cucumis melo [82,

83], Crocus sativus [84, 85] and Colocynthis

citrullus [86] have been reported.

Agrobacterium-mediated β-glucuronidase

expression was detected in explants of

immature cotyledonary nodes in M. charantia

[87]. Recently tumor research centre has

reported Agrobacterium-mediated genetic

transformation from cotyledonary nodes of

bitter melon. For genetic transformation of

bitter melon, it is necessary to established

stable plant regeneration protocol from leaf

explants of M. charantia via organogenesis

[88]. An efficient and a simple protocol for

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic

transformation of bitter melon using leaf disc

as explants had been developed. This

optimized transformation system could be

used for the genetic improvement of bitter

melon [80]. M. charantia has been used as an

alternative therapy for diabetes mellitus as

described above. The study was analyzed and

elucidated that therapeutic targets contributing

to the hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract

of MC seeds (MCSE) by transcriptomic

analysis. Protein ingredients aimed at the

hypoglycaemic target were further identified

by proteomic, docking, and receptor binding

assays. The data showed that MSCE (1 g/kg)

significantly lowered the blood glucose level

in normal and diabetic mice. Moreover, MCSE

primarily regulated the insulin signaling

pathway in muscles and adipose tissues,

suggesting that MCSE might target insulin

receptor (IR), stimulate the IR-downstream

pathway, and subsequently display

hypoglycaemic activity in mice [89].

RNA-degrading enzymes, better known as

ribonucleases (RNases), have been studied in

eukaryotic cells for many years. According to

Farkas [90] and Wilson [91] plant

ribonucleases were studied actively before the

1980s. S-glycoproteins, now called S-RNases,

are secreted into the style mucilage where they

are thought to abort the growth of pollen

bearing the same S-allele [92–94]. Interest

began to wane subsequently because little

correlation was found between total RNase

activity and RNA content in most plant

samples and because experiments to determine

the function of individual enzymes were not

feasible at the time. RNase MC is from the

seeds of the bitter gourd M. charantia [94],

which is also self-compatible in addition was

recently crystallized [95]. RNase LE and LX,

isolated from cultured cells of Lycopersicon

esculentum [96, 97] and RNase MC are all S-

like RNases because they exhibit sequence

homology to the S- and the fungal T2-type

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Parray et al.

RRJoBT (2017) 1-13 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 8

RNases [98]. Those plant products which

possess ribonucleases (RNases) are promising

drugs for different cancers based on their

concrete antitumor activities in vitro and in

vivo. The first time purification and

characterization of a 14-kDa RNase,

designated as RNase MC2, in the seeds of

bitter gourd (M. charantia) was carried out

[99]. RNase MC2 manifested potent RNA-

cleavage activity toward baker’s yeast tRNA,

tumor cell rRNA, and an absolute specificity

for uridine. RNase MC2 demonstrated both

cytostatic and cytotoxic activities against

MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Treatment of

MCF-7 cells with RNase MC2 caused nuclear

damage (karyorrhexis, chromatin

condensation, and DNA fragmentation),

ultimately resulting in early/late apoptosis.

Further molecular studies unveiled that RNase

MC2 induced differential activation of

MAPKs and Akt. On the other hand, RNase

MC2 exposure activated caspase-8, caspase-9,

and caspase-7, increased the production of Bak

and cleaved PARP, which in turn contributed

to the apoptotic response. In conclusion,

RNase MC2 is a potential agent which can be

exploited in the worldwide fight against breast

cancer [99].

RAPD markers have been used to analyze the

genetic diversity among 12 different

accessions of M. charantia, collected from

different districts of West Bengal, India. The

presence of SCAR markers in the two varieties

of M. charantia namely var. muricata and var.

charantia has been determined so that

nutritional and medicinal properties could be

exploited judiciously [72]. Molecular markers

such as RAPD and SCAR could be used to

explore the genes associated with medicinal

properties of M. charantia. Genetic diversity

among populations can be determined using

molecular markers. Different types of

molecular markers which has been used to

assess the genetic diversity of M. charantia are

mentioned [72], RAPD markers have been

used extensively in bitter gourd to classify

accessions identify cultivars and analyze

genetic diversity. Changyuan et al. (2005)

have employed RAPD markers in order to

detect genetic relationship in 45 bitter gourd

cultivars, collected from different parts of

South East Asia [100]. Infact, recently, Wang

et al. had cloned and expressed the 498 bp

gene sequence coding for the M. charantia

polypeptide p-gene and have also proved that

it has the hypoglycaemic effect of the

recombinant polypeptide in alloxan-induced

diabetic mice [101].

CONCLUSION Medicinal plants based on TSM are playing

imperative role in providing healthcare to large

section of population, especially in developing

countries. M. charantia have been providing

many remedies for different diseases from

ancient days to nowadays. It has been used in

various TSM for the treatment of diverse

pathological conditions and diseases. The

main aim of this review was to provide the

link between TSM (especially with reference

to Ayurveda and Unani) and biotechnology

with respect to this fruit/vegetable. The

contribution of the fruit in crop improvement,

biomass of plant, medicinal uses, and a lead

for new drug discoveries will be more

widespread and improve their effectiveness

against diseases when biotechnology and

genetic engineering will be there. There are

still some qualities in it which are unwrapped

and can be surveyed and incessantly, and the

surprises conceal in the fruit will be


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Cite this Article Parray ZA, Parray SA, Islam A. Bitter

Gourd (Momordica charantia): A

Natural Gift in Support of the Research

in Medicine and Biotechnology.

Research & Reviews: A Journal of

Biotechnology. 2017; 7(1): 1–13p.
