Nebula Drama


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At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define what is the nebula is.


Stars’ lives begin in hot balls of

gas which are called nebula( plural:

nebulae).A nebula is a gigantic cloud

of dust and gas; mainly of hydrogen and

helium gases, and they can be light years across - that’s trillions of miles

Nebulae are made from the huge

collapse of gas in what they refer to as

the Interstellar Medium (the gas, dust

and cosmic rays that can be found between planets and stars in


As the material falls in on itself

under its own weight, large stars are

made in the centre. When this happens,

ultraviolet radiation shoots out like a

laser beam and the nebula is lit up.

The teacher needs 15 volunteers.

Five of these volunteers will make a

star and the other ten students will

make a nebula. ( T chooses 15 students .)

5 of students will make a star.

(The teacher sticks stars on students’

chest.) Embrace each other, now they

are a big star and wait.

Get your colorful aprons and

wear them.( Teacher uses colorful

trash bag for apron.) Hold your

hands and make a circle around

your friends.

(Teacher says the students who

make the circle.)T: Now, you are a nebula,

now dance around your friends and

produce some sounds like booom,

loooooow.. (Students act like this for a while and also teacher uses deodorant spray to show gas.)

T: Now, stars split from each other slowly, now the students are new little stars they can dance and celebrate this.

T: Clap your friends. They show us how new stars are made in the sky.

This drama was developed by Rana

KARATAY and her university student

from Anatolia University at Elt Department Ceyda KARAKAN