NCompass Live: Coding Corner @ Your Library


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The Coding Corner

Starting a coding program

for kids @ your library

Coding Corner

• Two and a half years ago, I knew nothing about

computer coding!

• I’m going to talk today about the first coding initiatives I

was involved in at the Abrahams Branch.

(I’ve sinced moved to the South Omaha Library and I’ll

talk about some of the plans we have for that branch at

the end of this presentation.)

Coding Corner

A little about my previous service area….– Abrahams Branch OPL

• Diverse

– Racially and economically

– Educationally—many traditionally schooled and many


– A significant number of families in our service area are

without internet at home

Coding Corner

How this began…

• In the fall of 2014, we were the beneficiaries of

a $10,000 donation from the Sage family.

• How to spend the money?

Coding Corner

• We considered several ideas including a

aquaponic garden, but we finally decided


Coding Corner

Why Coding?

Anthony Cuthbertson says this about coding:

“Code powers our digital world. Every website, smartphone app,

computer programme, calculator and even microwave relies on

code in order to operate. This makes coders the

architects and builders of the digital age.”

Coding Corner

Why coding?

• In various parts of the world, coding is considered the

“new literacy.”

– Britain and Estonia have made coding compulsory

– Singapore will soon follow.

But in the United States…

Coding Corner

• Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy,

but it remains marginalized throughout K-12 education.

– Only one in four schools in the U.S. teach Computer Science

– Only 5% of high schools in the United States offer Advanced Placement in

Computer Science.

– Only 32 states allow students to count computer science courses toward high

school graduation.

Coding Corner

• Surprisingly, Arkansas is one of the leaders in

mandating computer coding in K-12 classroom,

beating out California and New York.

(They have made it a requirement that all public and charter high schools offer computer

science courses to students, however, students are not required to take them.)

Coding Corner

According to the National Science Foundation…

• Fewer CS majors than 10 years ago (and a shrinking %

are women)

– There are currently 525,293 open computing jobs nationwide.

– Last year, only 42,969 computer science students graduated into the


Coding Corner

• Women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans are vastly under-

represented in the pool of candidates, making them unable to take

advantage of the opportunity to access the best paying jobs in the


Coding Corner

There are many reasons for the lack of

education in computer science:

• Lack of priority

• Lack of funding

• Lack of training for pre-service and in-service teachers

• Lack of time due to the demands of teaching the

“Common Core”

Coding Corner

• The many ways in which teaching coding is


– This activity benefits children even if they don’t go on to study

computer science.

• It prepares them to understand the world in which we live.

• Learning to code helps students with critical thinking, logic, math and

computational skills.

Coding Corner

How does learning to code help kids?

Dan Crow, says this…”Computational thinking teaches

you how to tackle large problems by breaking them down

into a sequence of smaller, more manageable problems.”

Coding Corner

Libraries can help bridge the gap.

Coding Corner

• How can you offer coding experiences at

your library?

• Many online sources, such as Codeacademy and offer

information and applications for teaching coding for free.


–guide to the best coding resources for little or no money

Coding Corner

With dedicated funding, this is what we did:

• Purchased 12 ChromeBooks and a charging cabinet.

• Hired tech experts to teach, including Shonna Dorsey

and Dr. Victor Winter from UNO.

• Will be purchasing games and kits that can be

circulated throughout the system.

Coding Corner

•Key to success for us was to have expert support:

•Find partners!

– Shonna Dorsey, the Co-Founder and Managing Director of

Interface Web School

– Dr. Victor Winter, Professor of Computer Science at UNO

Coding Corner

• Get the word out!

– Talk to families and kids about coding.

– Invite experts to your branch to talk about the value of coding.

– Host programs for adults, including area teachers so they

understand what their children/students will be doing.

Coding Corner

How we’ve taught coding:

• We have been offering multi-session classes

where kids learn HTML with Shonna Dorsey.

• We had a Coding Lock-in for 4 hours on a

Friday night in August.

Coding Corner

Coding Corner

Coding Corner

Coding Corner

Some of the


participants have

been 6-years old!

Coding Corner

Bricklayer (Brain child of Dr. Victor Winter)




Used with permission from Dr. Victor Winter

Coding Corner

Bricklayer is a 19 module program teaching

children to code based on LEGO.

•The students build in LEGO and then learn to code the objects

they’ve built.

•They often exhibit these finished works in a gallery setting (STEAM

versus STEM).

•With DoSpace, we hope to have the students experiment with 3-D

printing with Bricklayer.

Coding Corner

This is an example of the

type of artifact that might

be built in Bricklayer.

Coding Corner

• In December 2015, Shonna Dorsey emailed me and asked if we wanted to

host a Girls Who Code Club at Abrahams.

• Shonna and I met with two coding women , Sandi Barr from Omaha

Coding Women, and Lana Yager, the Computer Science Teacher from

South High School in Omaha.

• To be considered for a GWC Club, you must provide a stable

technological infrastructure, sufficient volunteers and teachers and a site


• We filled out the application and waited to be approved.

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club:

• In February, 2016 we held information sessions to recruit girls from 6th to 12th

grades to be part of a Girls Who Code chapter at the Abrahams Branch of OPL.

• The application process was competitive: 3 essays and a group interview.

• We launched a 20-week, 2-hour per week session of Girls Who Code to 12 6th-9th

grade girls, and 12 10th-12th grade girls. (GWC requires 40 contact hours per


• This was the second GWC club in Nebraska (a club in Lincoln beat us by two


Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club:

• There are many advantages to setting up a GWC club.

• They include:

– Curriculum already established and provided

– Support from the NYC office

– GWC Community resources

– Best practices worked out already

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code:

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club:

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code:

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code:

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club

Coding Corner

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code Club…

• It took a village!

– We had at our disposal 17 volunteers who

helped TA the classes, organize other

volunteers, organize guest speakers, provide

snacks, plan graduation party, etc.

We paid $0 for the Girls Who Code Club!

Coding Corner

Girls Who Code opportunities are expanding in Omaha:

• Do Space: Offering a session starting Sept. 25

• OPS: Shonna Dorsey is working with OPS to get clubs

started in as many schools as possible

• Abrahams Branch (Second Session of GWC starts in


Coding Corner

Lessons Learned about all coding activities:

• Get out in the tech community and start networking!!!!!

• Get corporate support from local tech businesses.

• Talk to everyone you meet about coding for kids—you

WILL find supporters.

Coding Corner

Consider simple, “one and done” coding activities:



Coding Corner

Future Plans at the Omaha Public Library:

• Offer an after-school club for a weekly coding

opportunity using Bricklayer.

• Recruit UNO Computer Science students to tutor our

Coding Club.

• Offer at-risk teens in South Omaha regular coding


Coding Corner

New developments at the South Omaha Library:

• Our teen population is 90% boys so a Girls Who Code Club won’t really work.

• We met with a graduate of Interface Web School, Eric Swanson, who teaches at-

risk teens in the Highlander Program in North Omaha.

• We’re designing a program that we can offer at South starting in January.

• One size doesn’t always fit all—work to understand your community and reach out

to teachers who have an affinity for working with that community.

Coding Corner

Easy and inexpensive ways to offer coding:

• Buy coding games and kits

• Share staff and expertise across your library system

and across your geographic location


• Host an Hour of Code

Coding Corner

• What if we gathered as many libraries as

possible in Nebraska and offered an

Hour of Code ?

You with me?!

Coding Corner

Coding Corner

Articles supporting children and coding.pdf

Computer Coding Resources for your Library .pdf

Additional Coding Resources:

Coding Corner

The End.

Thank you.

Marvel Maring

Branch Manager, South Omaha Library

Omaha Public Library