Narrative 2015


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Why do we need to tell stories?


Magura Cave, Bulgaria

Bhimbhetka Cave, Madhya Pradesh, India

Nourlangie, Nawurlandja, Anbangbang Billabong, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

Aboriginal Cave and Rock wall paintings from eastern Australian

Ancient Egyptian tomb painting

Ancient Egyptian tomb painting

Ancient Egyptian tomb painting

Pitsa panel, Greek, 540-530 B.C.E.

Symposium scene in the Tomb of the Diver at Paestum, c. 480 BC

Mughal painting – Radhi pines for Krishna

Mughal painting

Mughal painting

Northern Wei wall murals and painted figurines from the Yungang Grottoes, dated 5th to 6th centuries

tomb of Lou Rui at Taiyuan, Shanxi, Northern Qi Dynasty (550–577)


Buddhist mural - Myanmar

Hindu mural - India

Buddhist mural - Thailand

Hieronymous Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1510

Hieronymous Bosch, detail, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1510

Hieronymous Bosch, detail, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1510

Cappella Sistina, 1508 - 12

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1508 – 12

Michelangelo, detail, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1508 – 12

Michelangelo, detail, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 1508 – 12

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1497

Chinese mural

Chinese mural – 10th century

Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall


Bayeaux Tapestry, 20’ X 230’, 1079

Detail, Bayeaux Tapestry, 20’ X 230’, 1079

Detail, Bayeaux Tapestry, 20’ X 230’, 1079

Detail, Bayeaux Tapestry, 20’ X 230’, 1079

Paolo Uccello, Battle of San Romano, 1455

Nicolas Poussin, The Rape of the Sabine Women, 1637

John Singleton Copely, Watson and the Shark, 1778

Theodore Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1816

Francisco Goya, Disasters of War, 1810

Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830

Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851

Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814

Edouard Manet, The Execution of Emperor Maximillian, 1861


Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, 1480

Warli painting

Warli painting

Warli painting

Jacob Lawrence, the Ironers,

Jacob Lawrence, The Builders,

Jacob Lawrence, You can buy bootleg whiskey for 25 cents a quart, 1943

Faith Ringgold, Subway Grafitti #3,

Faith Ringgold, Tar Beach 2, 1990

Faith Ringgold, The Sunflower’s Quilting Bee at Arles,

Agathe Aladin, Slaves Being Punished, 2004

Agathe Aladin, In 1530 Spanish settlers received the island’s first shipment of African slaves, 2004

Voltaire Hector, Masacer at Saint Jean Bosco Nov. 1988, 2007

Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851

Robert Colescott, George Washington Carver Crossing the Delaware: page from American History textbook, 1975

Kara Walker, Slavery, Slavery… (detail), 1997

Kara Walker

Kara Walker, Darkytown Rebellion, 2001

Kara Walker



A meta-message describes those messages that come through reading between the lines. For example, someone sends his wife an email stating he has three meetings that morning and a report to get out in the afternoon. What he is really saying is, "don't bother me today.

Jacques Louis David, The Death of Socrates, 1787

Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937

Gladys Grauer, The Gift, 2007

Diego Rivera, the Detroit Industrial Murals, 1932-33

Diego Rivera, detail, the Detroit Industrial Murals, 1932-33

Diego Rivera, Mexico Today and Tomorrow, 1935

Diego Rivera, Man Controls the Universe, 1934

Leon Golub, The Interrogation, 1981

Leon Golub, Interrogation III, 1981

Leon Golub , White Squad V, 1984.

Street Art in Iran

Sue Coe, 9/11, 2002

Sue Coe, Wheel of War, 2004

Sue Coe, Meat Fly, 2002

Sue Coe, Car Bomb, 2005

Sue Coe, Lucky shot, the Animals Dance, 2005

Voltaire Hector, The blue helmets (UN security forces) seize the headquarters of the old army on Ti Goave, 2005


Honore Daumier, Third Class Carriage, 1862


Harry Donal Jones, The Social History of Des Moines, 1941


AIDS and Social Justice - USA



Helen Bayly and Aaron Heimlich, History of LGBT of Polk Street

Virginia Ayress, Y yo ya estaba, Bronx, NY

Long Beach, CA
