My Slide Share Introduction


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I am a professor at Santa Fe College right here in

Gainesville. I teach Computer Science courses – mostly

programming and database. I’ve been here for the past

11 years as tenured faculty and I love it.

The curriculum has changed so much since I’ve been

here. Remember the big floppy disks and Centipede?

I received my degree in Computer and Information

Sciences from UF many moons ago.

From there, I worked as a software developer at several

Fortune 500 companies – IBM and AT&T to name a few.

I’ve been married for 23 years to my husband who is a

chemical engineer.

My oldest son is in his first year of college and I have a

13-year old daughter in the 7th grade and a 12-year old

son in the 6th grade. They are all eagerly anticipating

summer vacation.

His name is Biscuit and he’s 7 years old.

He’s a Pomeranian and is very sweet.

I love to spend time with my family.

I’m an avid reader of books.

I enjoy biking on trails.

I like to run, but no marathons yet.

I do enjoy watching the British shows on PBS on

Saturday evenings.