My last vacation


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In my last vacations I was with all my family in Carmen of Apicala, governess the climate is warm, governess's people are pleasant very calm. When we arrive we left direct to the church to go to mass, after leaving mass we left to walk for the town to know a little but to that people of Carmen of Apicala are devoted.

The best thing

I like a lot to go to the pool to be swimed it feels tranquility, happiness, let us forget everything when I was in the pool. It is very pleasant.We play all with a ball that we had bought.

THE WORST THINGLet us burn the arms, the legs and the face. Because my he/she suckles my mother had said that it applied me blocking lot and I didn't want to apply myself, when we arrive of strolling I play to apply myself a natural remedy so that I spent the burn.

It was wonderful to have known Carmen of Apicala. Him governess's people lived very happy without bitterness, they were good people, they did the favors kindly we thanked them.