Music Magazine Analysis


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The masthead is in big, traditional magazine style, block font which while keeps with the colour theme of the magazine, still manages to stand out from the rest of it.

The main image is eye catching (especially if you are a fan of Arctic Monkeys and know who this man on the cover is). With ‘The Record That Changed My Life’ written in a large font underneath him, the reader is left to wonder what that record could be, and therefore will be more likely to pick it up and buy it.

The text of the menu strip is not as bold as the masthead, but still stand out enough that they catch your gaze. The colours are complimentary to the rest of the magazine and it fits nicely with the main image.

The main cover line certainly grabs the reader’s attention as it is not only in a standout (different) font to the rest of the cover, but the content of it leaves the reader wanting to know more.

The barcode is small, but fits nicely into the corner of the cover and makes for the realism of the piece.

The cover lines here may be small in text, but the use of block capitals and bright red makes them still manage to not get lost on the busy cover.

The black of the masthead stands out well against the pink of the background, as well as the boldness of the font and the use of bright pops of colour to fill in the ‘b’ ‘a’ and ‘d’ makes the cover more handwriting.

The main cover line clearly stands out against the other, smaller, cover lines as not only is the font much bigger than the rest, but it’s also in a different style of font and has used white to differentiate from the rest.

The smaller cover lines manage to still stand out due to the small capitals used and the bright yellow colour for the headers.

The main image relates well to the main cover line as well as looking aesthetically pleasing against the pink of the background. It’s a well shot and positioned image that helps to make the reader want to pick it up and see more.

The positioning of this cover line makes it stand out against the main image and draws the reader’s eye, which will then intrigue them if they are interested in any of the mentioned artists.

This cover line looks as though it could also be a main cover line, if not for the bolder use of one titled ‘Katy Perry’ however it follows the same format.


The header used here is bold and stands out well against the rest of the contents page. It’s clear which magazine this page is from, and the use of red for the NME is distinctive as well as eye catching.

General Overview : Overall this contents page fits well with the cover and follows the typical conventions of other NME contents pages.


The layout positions the masthead along the top of the index page with an accompanying “this week”. The image shown central-left is of the band Kasabian to indicate that they are the main focus. Advertisement for subscription is on the bottom, with the “Band Index” on the left of the page. Main Features

Kasabian are the main feature of the page, and this is shown by featuring an image of them with the caption “The moment that Kasabian got romantic in a church.”Colour Palette

A relatively bland colour pallette is used, consisting of black, white and red to match the NME masthead colours.

Writing Style

“The moment that Kasabian got romantic in a church” sparks interest as it is an intriguing statement. Other styles are very bold such as the headers. Social groups

It can be inferred that the target audience is young adults 18-25 due to the acts featured being most popular among that group.

General Overview: Overall this magazine is well laid out and easy to follow as well as conventionally coloured, fitting with the cover.


The header used here is definitely smaller than on the cover, but it still noticeably mentions ‘billboard’ so that you know which magazine this contents page is coming from.


This layout shows more images but also more text as well. The main feature is the context section of the page, with the sidebar showing “No.1”.

Colour Palette

This page chooses a blue, black and white colour palette.

Writing Style

The style used mostly on this page is bold and to the point.

Main Features

The person featured most prominently on the page is Brandon Flowers, with other images showing other musicians.

Social Groups

Based on the music genre of the main feature, it can be inferred that the audience is younger adults-teenagers.