Murrindindi visit


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Murrindindi told us how the Aboriginal people

carefully carved the bark out of trees to make

canoes. You can still see some of these trees

in our local area.

They used saplings to help

carve the canoes from the tree


The didgeridoo was made

from a dead tree trunk.

Murrindindi showed us

how the termites had

hollowed out the trunk.

Murrindindi showed us his

kangaroo coat. The fur

kept the Aboriginal people

warm and in wet weather

the skin was waterproof.

Murrindindi showed

us the possum fur

his uncle had given

him. Only the

leaders or elders

were allowed to

wear the possum


The Aboriginal

children had

possum balls which

they kicked through

the trees. The balls

were filled with


Stone axe Fire sticks



The Aboriginal


Grace thanked Murrindindi for

coming to our school. We learned

so much!

What Josephine, Bianca, Belen and

Hannah learned about clothing!

What Lukas, Riley and Bailey learned

about fishing!

What Jasmine, Marc and Grace learned

about body and face painting!

What Liam, Tarrant and Sebastian

learned about tools and weapons!

What Campbell, Renato and Matthew

learned about the didgeridoo!

What Layla, Phillip and Emily learned

about the Aboriginal flag and the special



Oscar, Mitchel

l and Aidan

learned about

