Multiple intelligence intro to a parents


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How is my child Intelligent?


Who is MORE intelligent?

Not one but eight ways of being Intelligent Dr. Howard Gardner




Bodily & Kinesthetic Intelligence


Visual & Spatial Intelligence

Logical &Mathematical Intelligence


Is she intelligent differently?

Arundhati Roy

Linguistic Intelligence• Skilled with words• “The Word Player”

Is he intelligent differently?

Albert Einstein

Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence

• Skilled with numbers & reasoning• “The Questioner”

Is he intelligent differently?

M F Husain

Spatial Intelligence• Skilled with pictures & images• “The Visualizer”

Is he intelligent differently?

Sachin Tendulkar


Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence

• Physical skill• “The Mover”

Is he intelligent differently?

Pandit Ravi Shankar

Musical Intelligence• Skilled with melody & rhythm• “The Musical”

Is she intelligent differently?

Mother Teresa

Interpersonal Intelligence• Skills of social understanding• “The People Person”

Is he intelligent differently?

J Krishnamurthy

Intrapersonal Intelligence• Skills of self-knowledge• “The Philosopher”

Is he intelligent differently?

Salim Ali

Naturalistic Intelligence• Skills of making connection to elements in nature• “The Birdsman”

Experiencing the Eight Intelligences

Close your eyes and think what all you learnt from your last mistake

If you had to makeone new friend today

what will you do?

Draw a picture of an animal

Stand up, rotate your right feet

clockwise in air, now with your write

hand write a big "6" in air

Hum the tune of your National


A circle is drawn inside a square touching all the

four sides. If radius of circle is 5cm what is the

area of the square?

Think of a small four line poem

on sunset Try AllEight Activities

Do in orderof interest or comfort

Ponder why some were easy to you

Remember the last interesting thing you have

noticed in nature?


What Is An Intelligence?

"An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings."

--Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind


Verbal Linguistic Intelligenceinvolves ease in producing and sensitivity to the nuances, order, and rhythm of words. Students who are strong in verbal-linguistic intelligence love read, Write, and tell stories. They have good memories for names, places, dates, and trivia. Professional who use this intelligence include writers, public speakers, teachers, secretaries, business and office managers, comedians, poets, and actors.


Musical Intelligence

• encompasses sensitivity to the pitch. Timbre, and rhythm of sounds•As well as responsiveness to the emotional implications of these elements of music. •Students Who remember melodies or recognize pitch and rhythm exhibit musical intelligence. •They enjoy Listening to music and are aware of surrounding sounds. •This intelligence is seen in such people as singers and songwriters, rock musicians, dancers, composers, and music teachers.


Visual Spatial Intelligence includes the ability to create visual-spatial representations of the world and to transfer them mentally or concretely. Students who exhibit spatial intelligence need a mental or physical picture to best understand new information: do well with maps, charts, and diagrams: and like mazes and puzzles. They are strong in drawing, designing, and creating things.Professionals who use this intelligence include graphic artists. Cartographers, draftspersons, architects, painters, and sculptors.


Interpersonal Intelligence•refers to the ability to work effectively with other people and to understand them and recognize their goals, motivations, and intentions •Students who exhibit this intelligences thrive on cooperative work have strong leadership skills, and are skilled at organizing, communicating, mediating, and negotiating. •This intelligence is usually seen in such people as teachers, therapists, Salespeople, counselors, politicians, religious leaders, and business

executives. comedians, poets, and actors.


Math Logic Intelligence• relates to the ability to reason deductively or inductively in this Intelligence and to recognize and manipulate abstract patterns and relationships. Students who excel in this intelligence have strong problem-solving and reasoning skills and questions in a logical manner. They can also excel in science-related logic and problem-solving. This intelligence can be seen in such people as scientists, bankers, mathematicians, computer programmers, lawyers, and accountants.


Naturalistic Intelligence•Allows one to distinguish among, classify, and use features of the environment The ability to see patterns in the natural world; ability to discriminate among living.This intelligence may be seen in the way we relate to our surroundings and the role each part of our surroundings play. People who are sensitive to changes in weather patterns or are adept at distinguishing nuances between large numbers of similar objects may be expressing naturalist intelligence abilities.


Intrapersonal Intelligence•entails the ability to understand one's own emotions, goals, and intentions .•Students strong in intrapersonal intelligence have a strong sense of self, are confident, and can enjoy working alone.•They have good instincts about their strengths and abilities. •This intelligence is highly developed in such people as philosophers, psychiatrists, religious leaders, and brain researchers.comedians, poets, and actors.


Body kinesthetic Intelligence•involves using your body to solve problems, make things, and convey ideas and emotions. •Students who are strong in this intelligensce are good at physical activities, hand-eye coordination, and have a tendency to move around, touch things, and gesture. Professionals who use this intelligence include actors, athletes, surgeons, mimes, musicians, dancers, and inventors.


Parting thoughts
