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Reasons for the Establishment of New England Colonies like Plymouth, MA

Think about: Separatists, Pilgrims, Puritans.

What did they want?

Reasons for the establishment of Southern colonies like Jamestown, VA

Think about: Virginia Company, who went to Jamestown.

What were they looking for?

Why people in New England practiced only subsistence farming.

Think about: New England geography and climate.

Think about: What is subsistence farming.

Why people in the Southern Colonies had plantations. Think about what is grown on

plantations. Think about Southern climate and


Why Jamestown had problems early on Think about: What did people do when

they got off the boat? Think about: John Smith. “He who will not work, neither shall he


Why the founding of Jamestown was significant What was it the first of?

How the Appalachian Mountains impacted colonial life. Think about: Where are

these mountains? What would they have

blocked settlers fromdoing?

How the Mayflower Compact contributed to the development of representative government

Think about: What did it do for the Pilgrims?

Why the Middle Colonies were so tolerant Think about: who lived in the Middle

colonies. What sorts of groups were there?

The definition of unalienable rights We may not be to this at the time you

start studying. Unalienable rights are rights that can’t

be taken away from you. Like John Locke’s natural rightsm

Why England started to explore the world in the 15th and 16th centuries

Think about: 3 Gs Think about: Who were England’s rivals?

Why the Southern colonies depended on slave labor Think about: What economic activity

required slave labor Think about: Why didn’t they use Native

Americans or pay people to do this work?

Where the Backcountry was Think about: Backcountry wasn’t a

region. Where was it?

Documents that explain the people’s role in representative government

Think about: Magna Carta and Mayflower compact.

What did they say about the role of the people?

Consequences of an increase in colonial farming Think about: Whose land were the

farmers taking?

Examples of rights guaranteed to citizens by the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights

Think about: What were some of these rights?

Why colonists tended to settle near rivers Think about: What would settlers get

from the rivers?

Why the Intolerable Acts upset Boston’s people Think about: Why were these acts

created? What activities were restricted?

Why the deaths at the Boston Massacre were important How did the Sons of Liberty use these


How living in the colonies changed the way Americans thought about government

Think about: What is salutary neglect? How was England like parents who left

their kids in the care of their big brother?

What did colonists get used to?

What common ideas linked the Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, and the Fundamental Orders of CT

How did these documents instruct colonists to rule themselves?

How did they decide on laws?

Why the Proclamation of 1763 upset the colonists Think about: What did colonists expect

after the French and Indian War? How did this proclamation restrict the


How the roles of Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin during the American Revolution were similar.

We may not be to this material by the time that you start studying.

What side were all of these men on? Where did they live?

What John Locke said about where governments get their power.

Think about: What did John Locke say colonists should be able to do to a government they don’t like?

