


What is holding us back from achieving success in life ?? Find out.....

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There are many reasons why we fail...

Life is like a ten speed bicycle .Most of us have gears we never use.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be the doubts of today.

**Success involves… Taking calculated risks. Risk taking is relative. Many opportunities are lost because of indecision. Risk takes move ahead while gamblers shoot in the dark.

Risks must be taken,because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

Unwilling to take risks

Lack of Persistence- When problems seem to be large and unsolvable, quitting may look like the easiest way out.

Winners are struck but not destroyed.

Most people fail because they quit and not because they lack knowledge.

Lack of prioritiesPeople make substitutions where they ought not to.

Too much interest on success and failure rather than doing one’s best.

Looking for shortcuts………


A greedy and selfish individual cannot expect growth in life.

Wants can be fulfilled, but not greed.

Selfishness out of poor self esteem ,pride and lack of discipline.

Unwillingness to planand prepare

**Preparation :

Confidence comes from preparation which is planning and practicing.

“ Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.”

Preparation means tolerating failure but never accepting it.

**Planning :

Pressure comes from being unprepared and due to the lack of planning.

There is no substitute for preparation, practice and hard work.

Weak efforts and weak plan leads to weak results.

Not learning from past mistakesWise people learn from their mistakes, wiser people learn from other’s mistakes.

Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.

Opportunities can come disguised as obstacles.

FEAR !Real or imaginary.

Results in insecurity ,lack of confidence and poor presentation.destroys one’s potential and ability.

”Fear of failure is often worse than failure itself.”


--------------------- Ch.Surya teja..
