moodle on wamp



How to install moodle on wamp server on you windows

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How to install Moodle on WampSolieman ElSaber

What is moodle ?

Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.More …

What is Wamp ?WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases.More ...

What we want to do ?

Install moodle on our windows for development and local personal use ….We need a local server for that …. so we use Wamp …

Download the resources : Wamp

Download Wamp server which are appropriate for your windows …

Download the resources : moodle

Download stable moodle version for your windows …

install WAMP

update some WAMP settings

1. open php.ini

update some WAMP settings

2. Remove ; before extension=php_curl.dll in the php.ini

Create moodle Database on WAMP

1. open phpMyAdmin and login

Create moodle Database on WAMP

2. Create a new DB …. call it : moodleand select type : utf8_unicode_ci

Create moodle Database on WAMP

3. change the privileges in the moodle DB and give the root user every privileges

Add moodle for WAMP

Unzip the moodle files and copy it .. paste it in wamp/www directory

Start moodle installation

from Localhost …. open moodle to start installation






