MOOC Big Picture - Design Your Course



A basic template to use with faculty developing MOOCs early in the process of course design and consultations.

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Course Design Overview


1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________

4. _________________________

5. _________________________

6. _________________________

7. _________________________

8. _________________________

Headings/topics for each week:

__ Themes (“big ideas”)

__ Questions

__ Linear progression of topics

__ Something else (explain)

Organized by: Skills/outcomes students will demonstrate (can be observed):




Est. # of videos per week:(1 video = 5-10 mins.)

__ 3

__ 4

__ 5

__ 6 or more (explain)

Where will you do recording?:

__ home

__ office

__ room/”studio” setup for MOOCs

__ other (explain)


Course topics for each week: Relationship to organization, outcomes, or specific goal:

Weekly Topics & Goal Alignment


Let’s drill down on video... Select one week (any week).

Week ___ : __________________________!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! Video 1: ______________________


! Video 2: ______________________


! Video 3: ______________________


! Video 4: ______________________


! Video 5: ______________________

! Video 6: ______________________

Video Drill-down & Considerations


Let’s estimate the time students will spend watching videos.

! ___ videos x ____ (ave. min. per video) = _____ total video length

! Multiply total video length x 2 = _____ estimated watch time

Let’s estimate the time you will spend recording lecture videos. Total course videos = ____

! Estimate at least 2 hours per recording for the first 2 videos ! = 4 hrs! Estimate 1 hour per recording for remaining videos !! ! = ____ hrs! Estimate 4 hours per script to draft first 2 video content scripts! = 8 hrs! Estimate 1. 5 hours per script for remaining videos ! ! ! = ____ hrs

! Multiply Grand total x 1.5 = _____ estimated hours video production time

(Clarify relationship of each video to course purpose, learning objs or weekly goal)

Grand total = ________

Let’s consider what students will do to learn, practice, and demonstrate new skills and knowledge. For the week of video you just outlined--and your learning goals--sketch out your ideas below.

Assessments & Activities


Coursera assessment tools:

__ In-video quizzes

__ Short-answer & MC quizzes

__ Peer grading (requires rubric)

__ Programming assignments

Community building tools:

__ Discussion fora

__ Wiki

__ Meet up

To develop good habits, you’ll want to provide the same types of weekly activities for students. What are your thoughts for your course? What graded assessments will you use and how much will they be worth in calculating the overall course grade?

We recommend jotting down ideas for weekly assessments now but authoring them after you have recorded all video content for the topic. (You’ll also want to estimate the time it takes to complete the tasks per week -- as a courtesy to students.)

Now it’s time to identify any additional resources (required or recommended) that will help students achieve the learning outcomes you identified.

As you flesh out each week, it may become apparent that a few, carefully selected resources will be helpful to students. If you know of some already, please indicate:

Week Topic Additional Resource(s)videos, readings, programs, simulations, etc.

Need copyright help?







Additional Resources


Finally, it’s time to be intentional and realistic about the time you plan work on your MOOC. Grab your favorite online or paper calendar and start plotting out dates for getting things done. Ideally, your lead support person will also be around for most or all of your target deliverable dates, too. All video recordings should be done at least 30 days before the course launch. Below is a list of some of the high-level deliverables.

Deliverable Target date

Complete the Coursera MOOC on MOOCs

Course outline to lead support person

Intro video recording(s) completed

ScreenFlow training session completed (video software)

Week 1 video recordings completed

Week 2 video recordings completed

Week 3 video recordings completed

Week 4 video recordings completed

Week 5 video recordings completed

Week 6 video recordings completed

Week 1 assessments completed

Week 2 assessments completed

Week 3 assessments completed

Week 4 assessments completed

Week 5 assessments completed

Week 6 assessments completed

Week 1 additional materials completed

Week 2 additional materials completed

Week 3 additional materials completed

Week 4 additional materials completed

Week 5 additional materials completed

Week 6 additional materials completed

Calendar: Delivery Dates


Deliverable Target date

Review UNC pre-course survey & add content pre/post quiz links if desired

Forums set up (Production Assoc.)

Review UNC post-course survey & add content pre/post quiz links if desired

Course design is done. Celebrate!

Calendar: Delivery Dates

