Module 5 field trip safety 2013


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24-Hour Emergency Number: DMC Security Office 361 / 698-1199

Instructions!•  Only completely this module IF your class will include field

trips. Your instructor will inform you if this module is required!!

•  Study the information in this module.!

•  Take the quiz.!

•  You must score 100% on this quiz to stay registered in the class. You may take the quiz as many times as needed to achieve 100%. After 5 attempts your instructor will have to re-open the quiz for you.!

Table of Contents!

Topic Module General Rules and Regulations 1

Chemical Safety 2

Biohazard Safety 3

Emergency Equipment & Procedures 4

Field Trip Safety 5

Field Trip Preparation!• Research the field trip site ahead of time, but leave the

details (such as meeting time and place) to your instructor.!

• Make sure all of your paperwork is filled out properly and returned to your instructor BEFORE the day of the field trip.!

• Report any medical conditions (including allergies) to your Instructor before leaving campus.!

• Bring any medications that you may possibly need.!

Field Trip Guidelines!•  Check in with your instructor when you arrive and

check out when you leave.!

•  Stay with the group - do not wander off by yourself!!

•  If you are separated from the group don’t panic, stay where you are, and attempt to signal others by yelling or whistling.!

•  Always wear field trip appropriate clothing!!

•  Properly dispose of trash – DO NOT LITTER!

Outdoor Field Trips!• For outdoor field trips regardless of weather bring:!

• Plenty of water!• A light snack (like a protein bar)!•  Insect repellent !

•  (if it is appropriate to the location)!

•  Do not disturb the environment more than necessary!

•  Respect property boundaries and conservation regulations!

•  Recognize that outdoor field trips may present hazards to your health due to:!

•  Weather!

•  Plants!

•  Animals!

Warm Weather Hazards!

Hazards associated with warm weather may include:!

•  Dehydration!

•  Sun Burn!

•  Heat Exhaustion!

•  Heat Stroke!

Dehydration Prevention:!

•  Drink plenty of water!

•  Begin drinking water before getting out in the heat!

•  Minimize caffeine intake!

Symptoms:!•  Thirst and Dry, sticky mouth!

•  Lethargy/tiredness!

•  Decreased urine output and constipation!

•  Headache Dizziness or lightheadedness!

•  Skin that doesn’t “bounce back”!

First Aid: !•  Drink cool water or sports drink!

•  Rest frequently until rehydrated!

Sunburn Prevention:!

•  Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) frequently and liberally!

•  Cover up: tightly woven clothing that covers arms and legs and a broad brimmed hat!

•  Wear sunglasses!

Symptoms:!•  Pink or red skin!•  Skin warm or hot to touch!•  Pain or tenderness of skin!•  Small fluid-filled blisters!

First Aid:!•  Apply cool water!•  First aid lotion!

Heat Exhaustion!

Prevention:!•  Acclimate to heat gradually !•  Drink water!•  Rest in shade frequently!


•  Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in heat!

•  Heavy sweating!•  Dizziness!•  Weak, rapid pulse!•  Muscle cramps and fatigue!•  Headache and nausea!

First Aid:!

•  Stop ALL activity and rest!•  Move to a cooler place (shaded

area or air conditioned area)!•  Drink cool water or sports drink!•  Apply cool water to skin!•  Remove unnecessary clothing!


•  Become acclimated !•  Drink plenty of water !•  Rest in the shade frequently !

Symptoms:!•  Lack of sweating!•  Nausea and vomiting!•  Flushed skin!•  Rapid breathing!•  Racing heart!•  Headache!•  Confusion or unconsciousness!•  Muscle cramps!

First Aid:!•  Call 911! Heatstroke is a medical emergency. !•  Move the person to a cool shaded area. If possible immerse in cold water or soak

clothing with cool water.!

Warm Weather Clothing!

• Hat

• Light-weight shirt • With long sleeves

• Or short sleeves and sunscreen

• Light-weight pants or shorts

• Sturdy closed-toe shoes

The following items are suggested clothing options. Discuss with your instructor which items apply to your trip.!

Cool Weather Hazards

Remember, even it it’s cool outside you still have to watch for dehydration and sun burn!!

Cool Weather Clothing!

•  Hat

•  Layered clothing with long


•  Rain gear

•  Boots or sturdy shoes

The following items are suggested clothing options. Discuss with your instructor which items apply to your trip.!

Water Trip Guidelines!•  Inform your instructor if you do not know how to

swim or are a weak swimmer!!!!!

•  Be aware of glass and other debris on the beach.!

•  When on a boat:!

•  Know where personal flotation devices (PFDs) are stored!!

•  Always wear a PFD if you are instructed to do so! !

•  Take as few personal belongings onto the boat as possible.!

•  Always wear sunscreen and sunglasses.!

•  If you get motion sickness consider taking medication beforehand.!

Appropriate Water Trip Clothing

• All suggested Warm Weather clothing and:

• Towel

• Extra Clothing

• Sun Glasses

• Water shoes

• Bathing suit

The following items are suggested clothing options. Discuss with your instructor which items apply to your trip.

•  Be aware of possible weather concerns before you leave campus – double check with your instructor that the field trip will still be taking place.

•  Ask them if there is anything you should take to be more prepared for the weather.

•  Bring a jacket or umbrella if there is a chance of rain

Prepare for Weather Conditions:

Plant and Animal Hazard Guidelines: •  Stay away from animal nests or burrows

•  Watch where you put your feet and hands

•  Never touch sick or dead animals

•  Avoid all contact with animals unless told otherwise by your instructor

Hazards On Land: Plants •  Observe the SHAPES of these leaves so that you will recognize

them as plants to avoid, leaf colors may change with season:

Poison Oak! Poison Sumac! Poison Ivy!

Hazards On Land: Animals •  Venomous Snakes




If Bitten: Call 911 and describe snake. Lower bite below heart level. DO NOT apply tourniquet, cut wound, or attempt to remove venom!

Coral Snake: King/Milk Snake:

Red touching yellow killed a



Red touching black friend of


Not Venomous

Hazards On Land: Animals

•  Insects- •  Spiders

•  Black Widow – Red Hourglass

•  Brown Recluse – Brown Fiddle

•  Chiggers – Live in tall grass, wear insect repellant

•  Ticks – Check your clothing before getting in your car

Hazards in Water :   Stingrays

•  Shuffle your feet when wading.

  Jellyfish •  Avoid them.

  Portuguese Man-of-war •  Avoid them in water and on beach.

Hazards in Water:  Barnacles

•  Watch for them on hard surfaces

•  Sharks

•  Red Tide •  Avoid the water and beach areas. •  Toxins can cause respiratory irritation.

Field Trip Preparation Checklist:

•  Make sure your travel documents are filled out properly and returned to your instructor

•  Inform yourself about the location you will be visiting •  Including possible plant and animal hazards

•  Plan an appropriate outfit including shoes •  Pack plenty of water, snack, sunscreen, and insect repellant •  On the day of the field trip check the weather conditions

•  If the weather looks bad: •  Check with instructor to make sure field trip is still

happening •  Plan for additional clothing for conditions

•  Wear you seatbelt when traveling to the field trip location •  Don’t forget to have fun!!


Please complete the quiz for Module 5.
