Modernages 1


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Modern Ages

Modern Ages S. XV - XVIII


The Discovery of America (1492).

2 ) The Protestant Reformation (1517).

The End

French Revolution (1789)

1) The capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453

Other events:

Concepts: the modern age1.- Economy

- Development of trade between Spain an America: gold ,…- Exploration (America) and discoveries.- Economic transformation.

2.- Society. - development of cities and the middle class

3.- Religion - Intolerance: Protestantism Catholicism ( inquisition) muslims and jews 4.- Politics,

- Absolute monarchies5.- Science -scientific and technical discoveries6.- Art and culture.

- Art and literature in Spain. the renaissance, the baroque, the neoclassicism , the enlightment

7.- The Spanish Monarchy.- Habsburg Dynasty .- The Bourbon Dynasty

• The marriage in 1469 of Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon , united the kingdoms o Castile and Aragon, During their reign:• Unified their kingdoms, they conquered Granada and discovered America • Increased their power and created a modern state:• Were intolerant towards other religions, and persecuted Jews and Muslims.

The Catholic kings

Columbus thought that the Earth was round. He believed he had reached the Indies in his journey. Columbus died believing he had reached the East by sailing west, but instead he had discovered a “new world.”

The discovery of America In 1492, Christopher Columbus started a journey to the East Indies, in order to find a route to improve the spice commerce.He did it with the money from the Catholic Kings of Spain. During that journey, Colombus discovered America.

The expedition left on the 3rd August 1492 with three ships ( Santa María , Pinta and Niña) and reached the island of San Salvador on the 12th of October 1492

The kings in this period belonged to the house of Austria ( Habsburg) the first one was Charles I (grandson of the Catholic Kings: son of Juana and Felipe el hermoso ) and Felipe II, his son

Economy During the 16th century Spain was the most powerful nation in Europe, gold and silver arrived from America there were many voyages of discovery and Spain conquered many territories.Religion: Spain fought many wars against Protestant and Muslims countries. Inquisition: people were judged if they were not “good” catholics

Spanish Empire Total ExpansionFelipe II

The next Hapsburg king are: Felipe III, Felipe IV and Carlos IISpain was a country IN CRISIS Crisis in Society: the population declined because of plague epidemics, bad harvests, expulsion of Moors , emigration to America, etc… there was an increase of beggars and poors.Crisis in Economy : Commercial activity declined because decrease of populationCulture and Art: important period for literature and Art called “ The golden Age” : Cervantes, Lope de vega, Velázquez

The end of the Hapsburg kingsCharles II died childless in 1700 so the Succession War began: there were two candidates: Felipe de Anjou ( French) and Carlos de Austria . It was an international was and a civil warSpain lose power in Europe A new dynasty replaced the Habsburg: The Bo urbo n Dynasty Felipe V was the first of the Bourbon dynasty which continues to reign today

The 18th century was the period of the Bourbon kings. Felipe V, Fernando VI, Carlos III and Carlos IVThe reforms of the 18th century:•Agricultural production improved (introduction of corn and potato) •Industry developed •Cities modernised•Trade with America increased •Economic recovery and population increase

Spain 18th century

The enlightment:

It is a cultural , scientific and political movement developed in France The enlightment spread the first democratic ideas and the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers

The next Bourbon king were: Carlos IV, Fernando VII, Isabel II, Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII And Juan Carlos I and Felipe VI (current monarch)

The end of the Modern agesDuring the 18th century , the bourbon kings were at war with countires like Great Britain or PortugalThe wars created enormous expenses so the kings increased taxes and the population became poorer .This situation caused popular protests in Spain in 1808 el “ motín de Aranjuez” Consequence: Carlos IV abdicated in his son Fernando VII

In Europe The modern age finished with the French revolution For more information The french revolution

Economic transformationAgriculture was the main economic activity

International commerce increased

European countries produced more coins

The first bank accumulated money

The first modern factories appeared

Voyages of Columbus, Magellan-Elcano and Vasco da Gama


During the modern age, society was divided into three groups:





•Royalty•Members of the upper class


They had special privilegesThey could governThey didn´t have to pay taxesThey had their own courts of law


•Church officials (such a bishops and priests)


Burghers – middle class (lived in towns and cities)

Beggars (lived in towns and cities)

Peasants (lived in the country)

They became a powerful social and economic group including:•Merchants•Doctors•Lawyers•Artisans•Shopkeepers

-Formed the largest social group-They were usually very poor-Some of them lived in terrible conditions

Important changes occurred during this period

The absolutism Religious conflicts The origin of Modern Science

Politics, religion and science

The Absolutism

What is Absolutism? In the seventeenth century, European monarchs concentrated all the powers: they decided on Economy, foreign policy, army, laws and administrated justice

The monarchy had a divine origin and the king did not respond for their actions to anyone. It was an absolute monarch. Louis XIV of France was a model of absolute monarch.

Religious conflictsThe Modern Age was a time of religious intolerance and conflicts

Martin Luther published criticisms of The Catholic Church

European Christians divided into two groups: Catholics and Protestants

There were religious wars between Catholics Protestants and Muslims

In some Catholics countries there was an institution called the Inquisition : it persecuted and killed the “ bad” catholics

The origin of Modern ScienceBegins the development of modern science because of the invention of printing (Gutenberg 1543)Some of greatest thinkers:

Copernicus's heliocentric theory says, the sun is the center of the solar system

Leonardo da Vinci designed many unusual machines

Miguel Servet discovered the pulmonary circulatory motion

Other great thinkers were Galileo, Descartes, Bacon, Pascal, Newton, Limaeus and Jenner.

The main artistic styles of the Modern Age were:

Renaissance Baroque Neoclassical

Downing College, Cambridge

Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

David by Bernini

Art And Culture

The Renaissance style Main characteristics:

This style is typical in the 15th and 16th centuries.Architecture : was inspired by ancient Greek and Roman art, straight lines Paintings: focused on light Some of most famous Renaissance artist are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael . the most important painter in Spain was Doménikos Theotokópoulos EL Greco

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is a master piece of Renaissance

El Greco was a painter Renaissance-ManneristCharacteristics of his painting•Elongation of faces and hands •Likes to fill all the space of the picture.•Richly colored, with a predominance of yellow ocher

Cover of the first edition of Don Quixote (1605).

... and possibly the most important writer of the Golden Age Miguel de Cervantes is the

masterpiece of Spanish literature, Don QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra. (Baptised in October 1547; died 23 April 1616) . He was a Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. His magnum o pus, Do n Quixo te , considered the first modern novel is a classic of Western literature, and is regarded amongst the best works of fiction ever written. His influence on the Spanish language has been so great that the language is often called la le ngua de Ce rvante s ("the language of Cervantes").

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Do n Quixo te is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. As a founding work of modern Western literature, and one of the earliest canonical novels, it regularly appears high on lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published. In one such list, Do n Quixo te was cited as the "best literary work ever written".Other works may be La Galatea, Rinconete y Cortadillo, Novelas Ejemplares, Los trabajos de Persiles y Segismunda y Los Baños de Argel.

The Baroque styleThis style was typical in the 17th century and the first half of the 18 century.Architecture : It used lots of curved lines, decoration and dramatic effects,Painting: contrasts between light and dark areas.Some of most famous Renaissance artist are Bernini, Rembrandt, Rubens and Caravaggio.

Main characteristics:

Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus 1601

Tomb of Pope Alexander - Chigi VII by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1671-1678

Diego Velázquez

Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velázquez, known as Diego Velázquez, was a Baroque painter, considered one of the leading exponents of Spanish painting and master painters.

Las Meninas (1656).

The Neoclassical styleThis style was typical of the second half of the 18th century.It returned to the classical styles and concepts of ancient Greece and Rome.This style was especially important in architecture: less decoration .

Main characteristics:

L'École Militaire on the Champ de Mars, Paris by Ange-Jacques Gabriel

The Pantheon Paris, France by Jacques-Germain Soufflot .1757

The De ath o f Marat by Jacque s Lo uis David (1793)

Also in the Golden Age in Spain had great writers such as:Quevedo (El Buscón, Gongora Lope de Vega (Fuente Ovejuna,Rimas,El Perro del Hortelano,La Hermosura de). Calderon de la Barca (Comedies -.

Ret rato de Francisco de Quevedo

Félix lope de Vega y CarpioD. Luis de Góngora, by Diego de Velázquez


Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Tirso de Molina (fray Gabriel Téllez )

The End
