Mobile Research for Advertising_Michael Hanley


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Mobile Research

Mobile ResearchGathering data using the small screen

Class 19

Mobile Research

What is Mobile Research?

Any research done on a mobile phone or mobile device where ever people may be - at home, work, play, abroad, etc.

The ability to conduct research on a mobile device allows for many types of data to be gathered.

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Options Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Ad Copy Testing Shopper ExperienceConcept Testing Customer SatisfactionPerception Mapping Awareness StudiesEthnography Media HabitsCLT Brand MetricsMystery Shopping Purchase Intent

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Opportunities In what areas of research does mobile make the most sense today and tomorrow?

For hard-to-reach audiences and young people, minorities and teens in particular

Business-to-business sector where mobile technology usage is high

Retail in-store where shopping considerations can be tracked

Creative development for mobile campaigns where ads can be tested on device.

In the developing world where PC access is limited. Alot will depend on the incentives and the growth of broadband.

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Advantages What major advantages does mobile have over other research methods, such as online?• Freshness of data, immediacy, richness of response (open-ended questions get fuller responses).

• Ease of sending supporting materials, such as photos.

• Ability to let respondents trigger the interview.

• Speed – 80 percent of responses come within 2 hours.

• Access – you can access more people than are online or on fixed line phones.

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Disadvantages • Potential users struggle to visualize what a mobile Internet survey will look like (while most people are familiar with what an online, print or telephone survey entails).

• It has to be short: surveys can last no more than 10-15 minutes.

• Costs of downloading/responding to the survey must be covered by incentives paid to respondents. The cost of sending invitations to participate (via SMS) is typically higher than with online (email).

• Screen size remains a big limitation on survey size and question types. It also limits how much space one has to explain how to complete the survey.

• Survey sample groups are skewed today to technophiles (as used to be the case with online research).

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Tactics How can people be targeted for mobile surveys?• Respondents can be targeted by:

• Country• Demographic group - age, gender and income• Mobile operator• Device manufactures• Operating system - iPhone, Android, Blackberry• Mobile content usage - users of mobile apps, social networks, maps, music, etc.

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Tactics How are mobile research respondents determined?• Respondents can be found from:

• Online national/local panels of registered survey participants• Focus group facility recruitment• Ads in media frequented by targets – mobile, online, traditional• Personal recruitment in groups – employee, social media, clubs• Company loyalty program members

•How are survey costs determined?•Cost are determined per completed surveys, meaning research studies can fit into all budgets

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Best Practices What are the trends or technologies in m-research?

• Using location-based mobile to gather geographic data

• Retail in-store surveys or recent-purchase mobile surveys

• Inserting mobile research within traditional research methods• Focus groups• Observational• Ethnographic

• Using the mobile camera/video to record purchasing decisions

• Gamification-based mobile research

Mobile Research

Mobile Research Best Practices Top 5 tips for best practice in m-research• Keep surveys short

• Focus on freshness. Mobile isn’t appropriate for “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” surveys

• Incorporate data into your business as quickly as you gather it

• Use a mix of methodologies – mobile Web, SMS "nano surveys" (very quick), interactive voice recognition (IVR)

• Keep surveys simple – don’t forget how small the screen is.