Mmvc16 First Part


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Real Time Slides MMVC16

There is a Teacher who complains

There is a Teacher that explains

But the best teacher is the one who Inspires


A Child is Like a Flower and a teacher is like a Gardener

Life is a

Math, Life, and Education are Infinite Games (James P. Carse

The Purpose of an Infinite Game is to continue playing forever, and winning means to get the best out of your opponent. Every child has a Unique talent which is latent inside like a seed and the role of the teacher is to unfold it. To help the child Realize his Infinite potential.

What is Math?

Julie’s Dream gave the answer:

Julie's Dream:

Julie was my student in the class "What Is Math" She was so afraid of Math that she never even looked at the board whenever anything mathematical was mentioned. One early morning Julie came to my office and handed me a paper and said. "Dani, I just woke up from a most vivid dream and wrote it down a few minutes ago, please read it:"

I took the paper and while Julie was still in my office a read the following story that will forever stay with me. This is what Julie wrote; "I was sitting in a classroom with about 50 other students. Among them was my small high school class and also my current "What Is Math" class. The teacher locked the door and give each one of us a fifty page Math test and said that only those students who pass the test will be allowed to leave the room.

I knew that my best friend Katherine will pass since she knew Math well and indeed after just a few minutes she completed the test and gave it to the teacher who flipped through the pages and said "You did not pass". He then tied Katherine to her chair, poured some gasoline from a can around her and then struck a match and Katherine was burned alive in front of my eyes which were wide open. I could not close them.

I decided to approach the teacher and ask for an extension and to my surprise he agreed and unlocked the door for me. I went for a walk and there I met you Dani and asked you for help but you refused. That instant I woke up with two questions and their answers:

1. Why didn't Dani help me? Answer

2. What is Math? Answer