Mise en-scene of horror trailers


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Mise-en-scene of horror trailersThe Purge: Anarchy and Texas Chainsaw 3D

A change in their lives/normality/introducing the protagonistsThe characters in the first shot are shown to be in a relationship, you can tell this by the close proximity of them, the fact that the man in touching her with his hand and the way they are looking at one another.The costumes that the protagonists are wearing portrays them as being normal, every day people, just like the viewers of the film, making it easy for the audience to relate themselves to the characters and build feelings towards them so when bad things happen, you are affected by it as the viewer. For both films, the characters are in cars travelling somewhere-this could signify a change in their lives which tends to bring the danger along with it.The gate and furniture in the bottom two screenshots portray the house as being expensive and in a remote location. This is a juxtaposition with the characters as they are clearly young and don’t own the house/have an odd reason to be in a new location.

Change of time – night/darkness

The change of time in both films relates to the fact that the danger happens during the night time, where it is darker, which is scarier and people are at their most vulnerable-asleep. Most horror films reach the climax in dark settings as it automatically makes the film scarier. The connotations of darkness are evil and fear, which relates to the events that take place at night in scary films. The desertion and isolation of the streets also gives off the impression of vulnerability that the protagonists are under. The darkness also gives off the feeling that it is harder to protect the characters in the darkness/night.

Introducing antagonists/violence

The antagonists are shown for short moments of time, to create questions/fear. They are shown to be the enemies/antagonists by their use of costume and props. For example, in The Purge: Anarchy trailer, the antagonists have various weapons, ranging from different types of guns, what vehicles they use (e.g. motorbikes) and the masks they wear to add fear to the situation. In Texas Chainsaw, a chainsaw is used as the antagonist’s main weapon of choice which implies that there will be gore/violence as the killer must have some sort of psychological problem if he enjoys killing people slowly and painfully by using such a weapon. It is typical of horror film trailers to show the weapons to build fear for the audience over what’s to come.

Vulnerability/climaxThese screenshots represent the protagonists as being scared and in severe danger. In the screenshots from both Texas Chainsaw and The Purge, the characters are in enclosed spaces, which implies that they are stuck and are very close to death. The fear and panic is shown on their faces. Their costumes look worn/dirty which suggests that they have been running/struggling away from the antagonist. The situation of running down an empty alley way shows that they are alone and have no one to help them; making them look more vulnerable, which is a commonly used situation in horror movie trailers. Being outnumbered by antagonists suggests that there is no way out and that you are in a lot of danger. Also, when it’s people against a machine e.g. car, it reduces the chances of people getting out alive/unscathed. The fact that the girl is tied up and has tape over her mouth shows how she is the weaker of the two in the situation and doesn’t stand a chance of being safe.

Deserted location

The use of deserted locations in horror films adds to the fact that the protagonists are vulnerable and in danger. This is because it would take too long for any help to arrive and save the characters from the antagonists. Examples of deserted locations in these films are remote forests and old, empty warehouses/factories. The top screenshot is in a graveyard and this is portrayed by the use of the gravestone props. Cemeteries are usually scary places at night which adds to the feelings of fear and desertion.

Anarchy/horrorThese screenshots show antagonists/anarchy of the films. The severity of the situations is shown in these shots by the use of the antagonists’ costumes and actions. Examples of this is in the first screenshot, the men are acting wild on the bus, they are holding various weapons, which they clearly intend on using and their tattoos and clothing implies that they are tough men and are planning on acting that way during the purge. The mask is used to add fear to the character because it adds a sense of mystery to him, possibly implying that they are not sane and will do anything to harm people. The explosion is very dangerous and serious. It adds to the shock factor of horror movie trailers. These shots show implied violence, this is because in horror film trailers they don’t show actual violence, usually because of the time they’re shown on TV etc. due to the watershed.
