Midterm test




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April/ 11th /2014

April 12th 2014



1. To obtain better vocabulary in a conversational club

2. Talk to native speakers of the language

3. Improve my speaking and listening to music

4. Watching movies to have more words

5. Reading books and magazines


We learned to speak English in our schools with simple things such as greetings, the verb to be, also taught us to organize prayers, the vocabularies that we learned there were: Chair, computer, among others. This knowledge also acquire them through books and online courses.

Gap analysis

What you need what you do not have yet

We don't have very good fluency in speaking, so we need a feedback of vocabulary and pronunciation

We need to greatly improve our vocabulary of what we know , why having into account that read, listen to music of language learn help acquire more vocabulary.


1. at the end of the semester we going to have a minimal vocabulary of 100 words, obtained it through demonstrations, talks, readings and listening.

2. in about 5 years when we finish our career we will be able to have a better pronunciation and fluency.

Available Resources

Places: house, university Library, English lab.

Links: virtual course http://www.ompersonal.com.ar , http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learni...

Books: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bible?lang=eng holy bible, magazines http://www.nytimes.com/pages/magazine

Computer Technology: chat http://christianchat.com/, Skype,

pbworks http://www.pbworks.com/.

People: English teachers, Friends, Reverend, speaker native.

Learning Strategies

1. organize as we will carry out our work to improve our fluency and pronunciation.

2. We identify problems prevent us from having a good pronunciation and fluency.

3. We collect data to acquire vocabulary books, dictionaries, songs and also of our teachers.

4. We carry out all that plan as: books reading, listening songs, speaking, which are fundamental to acquire good pronunciation and fluency.

5. We sat down to see how we improve our fluency through an evaluation with teachers, and as we are going to continue in our daily use.

Potential obstacles and solutions

1. The pronunciation; the solution is practice the pronunciation with my teacher and friend native speak.

2. the time; the solution is to organize things we going to do, so is more easy studied, read and listening, since it is very important for to speak.

3. The resources; the solution is to get attachments that help us such as music, books, cd, virtual courses.

How will you measure your success?

1. self-evaluation

2. a virtual assessment

3. a face-to-face evaluation with a teacher
