Michael E. Gerber Radio Show - A Herringbone Social Media User Case



This case study shows how social media marketing use in 2.5 months increased the twitter following by 87% and average episode listeners by 97% by engaging listeners to the new Michael E. Gerber Blog Talk Radio Show: Big Voices in Small Business. Michael E. Gerber is a true legend of entrepreneurship, Inc. Magazine called him "the World's #1 Small Business guru". He is co-founder of the E-Myth International and author of Business Week best seller E-Myth Revisited, The Most Successful Small Businesses in the World, and Awakening the Entrepreneur Within. Most recently he has founded Michael E. Gerber Companies and the entrepreneurship incubator Origination - focused on awakening the new entrepreneur in you. The Conclusion of the study claims that social media channels combined, Twitter in particular, used in a targeted fashion, with efficient tools and a compelling message has a strong impact on brand awareness and create real connections.

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Michael E. Gerber Radio Show


A Social Media User Case byJohanna C. NilssonFounder, Herringbone

@johannacnilsson @herringbonefmjohanna@herringbone.fmwww.herringbone.fm

Background Michael E. GerberMichael E. Gerber is a true legend of entrepreneurship, Inc. Magazine called him "the World's #1 Small Business guru".

Co-founder of the E-Myth International and author of Business Week best seller E-Myth Revisited, The Most Successful Small Businesses in the World, and Awakening the Entrepreneur Within.

Founder of Michael E. Gerber Companies and the entrepreneurship incubator Origination - focused on awakening the new entrepreneur in you.

Follow Michael:@michaelegerber/in/michaelegerberFacebook: michaelegerbercowww.michaelegerber.com

The ChallengeChallenge: to create the same level of notoriety using social media as Mr. Gerber has been able to garner using traditional media. Michael E. Gerber fairly new in Social Media

New product: Michael E. Gerber Radio Show - Big Voices in Small Business

Monday-Friday 7-8am PT: call in directly at (917)932-805 to get your biggest business question solved.

First Blog Talk Radio Show episode aired March 29:www.blogtalkradio.com/michaelegerber

Campaign Starting Point

Platforms used: - Twitter- Facebook- LinkedIn- YouTube- Blog Talk Radio Show- iTunes

Follower statistics: - Twitter 1,466- Facebook Fan - 890- Facebook - 2,619- LinkedIn - 160

May 30, 2010

Objective: 1) Build targeted following - 14,000 by end of year2) Increase number of Michael E. Gerber Radio Show listeners

Parallel Strategies

1. Connect with and build a targeted following

2. Create content that engage and brings out the core message

3. Communicate the campaign in a trackable fashion

1. Connect/Build Targeted Following- Clarify target audience

- Follow Twitter users based on profile key words

- Follow target Twitter users based on location of events

- If users don’t follow back, let them go and connect with someone that has an interest in your content.

1. Connect/Build Targeted Following (cont.)

- Monitor and engage in the conversation using Objective Marketer (OM) streams

- Respond to personal DM, @mentions, facebook messages and comments

- Give back to audience and OM identified influencers

- Bring the conversation to the radio show with an invitation

2. Create Content- Auto DM all new followers - Welcome to Origination

MichaelEGerber Jul 08, 6:51pm Dream big. Think small. Act even smaller. And act NOW. Join me for Origination and connect with me at http://bit.ly/MEGerber

- Profile based DM through OM - invitation to radio show BTW: call-in live, let me add insight to Ur biz problem & give opportunity you had not gotten had you not called me. http://bit.ly/MEGRadio

- Use of OM landing page with built in youtube video

- Updates with call to action - listen and dial-in now- Heads-up reminders new episodes - RSS feed - Episode specific updates for replay

*Note: Landing page design by www.BasicBrandStudios.com

3. Communicate Trackable Campaign- Create campaign through Objective Marketer

- Set up campaign goals - use own previous numbers as a benchmark, or aim

- Connect accounts for tracking (google analytics, bit.ly)

- Bring in Blog Talk Radio RSS feed

- Bulk upload messages

- Add landing page to posts

- Track, monitor and adjust

Key outcome 2.5 months later

1) Increased total following by 42% (7,274)Twitter 87% Facebook Fan 20%Facebook Friend 39%LinkedIn 4%

2) 97% increase average radio episode listener

Aug 15, 2010


Social media channels combined, Twitter in particular, used in a targeted fashion, with efficient tools and a compelling message has a strong impact on brand awareness and create real connections.

Recommended SoftwarePurchase and use this combination of software for great results*:


Promotion code: herringbone

your social media marketing manager

*Note: This recommendation has not been sponsored by anyone.


AboutJohanna C. Nilsson is the founder of Herringbone, a San Francisco/Stockholm based company that provides coaching and social media consulting for clients who want to make their voices heard and create a profound impact in this world. The long-term vision for the company includes a social media based platform that will enable and capture historical journeys of change worldwide.

Ms. Nilsson applies her expertise in marketing and coaching to a wide range of corporate, institutional and private clients in order to identify and support the emergence of core messages, build engaging customer communication and strengthened brand awareness.

In 2000, she was the first person together with her co-writer to evaluate the first advertising campaign ever run through SMS (short message service/text messaging); “Wireless Advertising Effectiveness”, on behalf of Ericsson Mobile Applications and Mediatude.

Fore more information go to: www.herringbone.fm

Individual or Group Training Sessions: getheard@herringbone.fm

Herringbone - Getting your voice heard!

Are you ready?

Michael E. Gerber Radio Show - Big Voices in Small Business

Monday-Friday 7-8am PT - Call in directly at (917)932-805 to get your biggest business question solved.


Awaken the Entrepreneur in You.