Mi3 presention of opening


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Film opening of

Mise-en-scene-Lighting Mise-en-scene is used very well. Lighting helps to create tension and points the audiences attention where the director wants them to.

Spotlight technique to grab viewers attention

Position of light creates shadows creating mystery and tension

Mise-en-scne-Props and Setting

Gun creates tension and fear as its effects are death and serious injury Setting is unknown creates

curiosity and gains viewers attention

Mise-en-scene-facial expression

His lack of facial expression creates tension as the viewer doesn't’t know what to expect next

Their expressions of sadness create attachment to the characters and the film.

Showing anger creates tension and raises attention of the viewer, creating a dramatic effect on the viewers perception on the film

Camera angles, Shots & Movement

The use of making 98% of the shots close ups makes the audience feel as if they are part of the action, it raises all of the directors intentions of creating tension and grabbing the viewers attention

The only other shot is a group shot which is used to gain familiarity with the setting

soundSound is very descriptive and detailed, the audience can hear every small sound made created the feeling they are right there and in the middle of the action; increases the


Use of echoing when the gun shot goes off adds to the dramatic effect of the situation

Text and titles

In terms of text, the only use of text for the opening is when the title appears; M:i:IIIThe colour of the text is red suggesting danger or even love. The boldness of the text makes the text stand out. The silver lining and reflection of the light could symbolise the task Tom Cruise is about to take on, it could be a helicopter or flash light in search of Tom Cruise.