Medical terminlogy



basics of medical terminology

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Pre-Med Course ‘14



Medical Term structure

.1Prefix.2Word root

.3Combining vowel.4suffix

Medical terms are “compound words”

Compound terms are either

1. Prefix

2. Word root + Word root

3. Suffix

Combining vowels are “ o, i , e , u , a or y “

They are used to make the words easier to pronounce.

Ex. Gastr/o Cardi/o


Color position Direction number Mutual relations

1. color

1. Erythro/ ex. Erythro/cytes

2. Leuko/ ex. Leuko/cytes

3. Melano/ ex. Melanoma

4. Xantho/ ex. Xanthoma

5. Cyano/ ex. Cyanosis

2 .position

Ex. meaning prefix

Epidermis-supraclavicular above Epi = supra

Sublingual-infrared below Sub = infra

Perianal-circumoral Around Peri = circum

Extra&intranuclear Outside X inside Extra X intra

percutaneous through per

retrosternal behind retro

mesothelium middle meso

3 .direction

Ex. meaning prefix

upward X downward Superior X inferior

Near X far Proximal X distal

Near center X away from center

Medial X lateral

In front X at the back Anterior X posterior

In front X at the back Ventral X dorsal

Abduction - adduction Towars X away from Ab- X ad-

Levo-rotatory Right X left dextro- X levo

Towards the head X away from the head

Cranial X caudal

4 .numbergreek latin english

Hemi- Semi- Half

Mono- Uni- One

Di- Bi- Two

Tri- Tri- Three

Tetra- Quadr- Four

Penta- Quint five

Prefix Meaning Ex.

Multi- X nulli- Many X none Multi/para

Micro- X macro- Small X big Macro/gloss/ia

Iso- equal Iso/tonic

Brady- X tachy- Slow X fast Brady/card/ia

Hyper- X hypo- Increased X decreased Hypo/therm/ia

5 .Mutual relations

Prefix Meaning Ex.

Homo- X hetero- Same X different homo/sexual

A- / An- Without a/pnea& an/emia

Anti- = contra- against Anti/toxin& contra/indicated(forbidden)

Trans- Across Blood Trans/fusion

Dys- Painful or difficult Dys/pnea

Pseudo- False Pseudo/cyst

Auto- Self Auto/immunity

Word root

The foundation of the medical term

2 word roots can form medical term (combound word)

Ex. Gastr/o/spleen/ic

Root (Organ) meaning

Encephalo- Brain

Oculo- Eye

Naso- Nose

Stomato- Mouth

Dento- Teeth

Glosso- = lingo- Togue

Gastro- Stomach

Entero- Intestine

Recto- Rectum

Hepato Liver

Spleno- Spleen

Pancratico- Pancreas

Nephro- Kidney

Cardio Heart

Pulmo- lung

Word root + Suffix

Noun adjectiveSingular &

blural Suffix meaning Ex.

Ism- / osis- Condition Hyper/thyroid/ismCyan/osis

Ist- Specialist card/i/olog/ist

Ology- Study of Card/i/ology

Scope- Tool to see Larynge/o/scope

itis- Inflammation Tonsil/itis

Ectomy- Surgical removal




Ous- Having Fam/ous


Ability Inject/able

ic- State of An/aem/ic

Singular & plural

Single plural

Gangli/on Gangli/a

Carcino/ma Carcino/mata

Cris/is Cris/es

Laryn/x Laryn/ges

Vertebr/a Vertebr/ae

Bacill/us Bacill/I

Bacteri/um Bacteri/a

Cort/ex append/ix Cort/ices append/ices

Thor/ax Thor/aces
