Media work



Seven still images of 'The strangers'

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Here you can see the main characters as being happy which is very conventional for horror movie trailers to show the audience how happy they are before and this is also very useful so they can take the audience by surprise after this shot which is conventional for the form.

He is wearing a suit and she has her make up on and hair done to show the audience that they are an ordinary couple which makes the audience able to relate with them which makes the trailer more personal. Making the trailer more personal to the audience is very effective to gain interest and attention.

The caption is what follows after this still image to tell the audience it’s a true story which gains the audiences attention straight away and makes the situation of the couple being at home with strangers antagonising you more realistic.

They haven't established the scene yet which isn't very conventional as they often set the scene at the beginning of a horror movie trailer so they know were the setting is. Knowing were the setting is, is important for the audience.

• This is an over the shoulder shot to show the male as being more dominant then the female as its on an angle and slightly looking down on her it enhances the facial expression which is her being happy. But not much of the make character has been given away.

The wide shot in the room is used effectively to show the victim being helpless and the antagonist is in the background which creates more suspense keeping the audience on the edge of their seat. This could also be seen as an establishing shot which is effective to set the scene and aware the audience that its just an ordinary home.

The lighting isn't very conventional for this part of the trailer. But the house lighting with the antagonist makes the situation more realistic for the audience.

The camera angle is a straight angle which doesn’t signify anything to do with antagonist’s or any emotions which helps represent how oblivious the victim is of the antagonists presence which is effective to gain more interest and create more suspense for the audience, often used to keep the audience on the edge of their seat which is needed to make and effective movie and trailer.

The costume is shown well in the way that it is clear who is the antagonist. The mask is a conventional feature used in horror movies. The antagonist is also wearing a suit which is effective to show that its just an ordinary man which can make it more scary for the audience.

This shot is used near the beginning of the trailer which is conventional for the form of the trailer to show the antagonist to gain the audiences attention

This is one of the first shot sequences in the trailer which can be seen as unconventional because horror movie trailers usually show the family being happy and then surprise the audience but this doesn’t it does engages the audience straight away which has been done effectively.

This shot is very effective. The extreme long shot shows the wide open spaces and no other houses or people which shows the audience that the victims wont be helped in anyway which is effective to show that the struggle the victims are under.

The lighting for this shot is very effective as it doesn’t completely give away the antagonist its shows just the figure of the victim to make the antagonist look more mysterious which engages the audience.

You can see the curtain on the left of this shot that shows that the character is peeping behind the curtain as they are scared of the antagonist.

This is also a point of view shot seeing the antagonist through the eyes of the character is effective to make it more realistic for the audience and make it more scary.

This is one of the antagonist which is clear as they show this after the first shot of the antagonist behind the girl in the kitchen. This is an effective way of making the audience aware that there is more than one antagonist which makes it more scary for the audience.

The lighting on the curtain is very dark to represent that the character has turned all the lights of or the lights have been turned of so she can hide and peep over out the window un-noticed.

The streetlights are enhances by the dark background and trees. And the lighting is mostly in the middle which makes the antagonist clearer to the audience.

The camera isn't focused on the male right in front its focused on the female peeping out the door which shows how terrifies she is about what's in front of the male character.

The male character in this shot is represented as being more dominant as he is in front and its blurred to show he isn't as scared as the female which is effective to show how truly scared the female is.

The lighting is used well as the house looks dark and the light is coming from the room were the women is. Which represents that is dark and the antagonist could be hiding in front of them creating more suspense for the audience.

The setting is in a hallway within the house they are in which usually represents a long wide open space which is conventional for horror genre. The long wide open spaces often represent the antagonist could be hiding from the victims somewhere as he walks towards them.

You can see now that her hair is messy his suit is also a bit scruffy to imply that they have been running away or had to escape from something which is conventional for horrors.

This is conventional for the form of the a horror trailer to create more suspense or show the victim hiding from the antagonist to create more suspense and can be effective to cut to something ells to surprise the audience.

This shot is extremely effective in surprising the audience. The antagonist wearing the mask makes is especially scary for the audience. She is also wearing normal clothes which is a clash with the mask which makes it more realistic and mysterious.

They have also used a female for this antagonist character which makes it more scary as the innocence is a clash with what is expected as a powerful and intimidating person. This is conventional for horror movies to make it more scary.

The props for this is a swing and this shows how the antagonist really isn't bothered . The squeaky old swing is an effective prop as it shows the clash of the emotions of the victims and the emotions of the antagonists.

The tree in front of the camera shot may imply another point of view shot to show she is hiding from the antagonist . This also shows that the antagonist is simply waiting for her which takes the audience by surprise. this also represents the amount of control the antagonists have over the victims.

The dark lighting makes it more scary as it’s a wide open space, and maybe the other two antagonists are hiding somewhere which creates more suspense. The light from the street light focuses on the antagonists mask as well which makes it more scary.

This close up of the man is done well as you see the confusion on his face. As if he is looking for something. As its blurry in the background you can see the antagonist standing behind him which puts the audience on the edge of the seat

This type of shot is conventional for the horror genre to create more suspense. It is also more mysterious as the camera isn't as focused on the antagonist .

The costume is done well as he also has scruffy hair and his suit isn't done well which implies he has also been running from the antagonist.

The antagonist is holding an axe which is a typical, conventional prop to use as a murder/ slasher weapon in a horror movie, this is a good thing to show in the trailer so the audience know what to expect.

The lighting in this shot is used well as the antagonist emerges behind the victim from the dark corner of the room which is typical for the antagonist to emerge or come from a dark area.

It cuts to this shot through fast pace cutting , not focused on the antagonist too much which is conventional for the form of a horror movie trailer to not give too much of the plot and the film away to the audience which is important to whet the audiences appetite.

This shot is a conventional for horror movies as it keeps the audiences attention which is important for horror movie trailers.

This shot is at the end of the trailer and is very effective as they show all three antagonists with the victims below them.

The victims are made to sit below the antagonists which represents the dominance the antagonists have over them. The male antagonist is in the middle of the two female antagonists which is done to make the male antagonist appear more dominant or have control over the females next to him such as assistants.

The use of costume is very effective. The three antagonists are wearing normal clothes but the masks are made to help them look more mysterious which is important to make the audience keep wondering who they are.

This isn't a very conventional shot for a horror movie. To clearly show the antagonist in high lighting is a rare thing to do as it doesn’t give as much suspense but because this is based on a true story and it isn't a supernatural it’s a realistic true story which has a bigger impact on the audience.

The lighting is done well as the light shines behind the antagonist which is done to make them look more superior and powerful than the victims.