Media industry, stucture unit 8


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Media industries and structure:

TV – Disney:1920-1298 - Early Career:

• The Walt Disney company, was found on October the 16th, 1923. It was created by 2 brothers: Walt Disney and Roy O.

• The American animation industry, led the way and took lead in the in the industry.

1928-1933 - Creation of Mickey Mouse:

• In 1923, Walt Disney sold his first animated and live series, which was Alice Comedies.

• He was then successful, when it came to being the first cartoon, with fully synchronized sound, in 1928.

• He achieved success when it came to being the first colour cartoon, in 1932.

1934-1941 - Golden Age of animation:

• The first animated feature film was also a success for him in 1937.


• Dumbo was released in 1941, and shortly after that, the US entered World War II.


• And last but not least, the first modern theme park opened in 1955.

• In 2006, The Walt Disney company worked with Pixar Animation Studios. They bought more creativity, technology, excellence in research, computer graphics and many other techniques.

Film - Coraline: 2009 - Release date:• In 2009, Coraline was first released, widely over the US, after a world Premiere.

How much money the movie made: • In one weekend, the film made $16.85 million, ranking third in the box office.

How much money the company made, in the end: • At the end of the box office production, the movie made over $124.5 million worldwide.

Awards:• Coraline won many awards, for example: they won the Annie awards for best music,

character design and product design. They received an Academy award and a Golden Globe nominations for Best Animated Feature.

Radio – BBC: 1920 – Where it all began:

• The first ever radio broadcast, started in 1920.


• During the 1930’s, the BBC radio service began to strengthen, and a brand new broadcasting house opened in 1932. The public listened to the radio, for war announcements.

1950 - The age of Television:

• Television became a new big thing. Although the radio was still very important, the Television eventually took over, and was a lot popular.

1970 - Classic comedy:

• The BBC also developed CEEFAX for TV, and quadraphonic sound for radio.

2000 - The digital revolution:

• At the start of the 21st century, digital BBC TV channel, radio services began to increase. A lot have become essentials such as, Red Button, Connected Red Button, the BBC iPlayer, and 3D TV (pioneered at Wimbledon)

Games – Sega: 1940 – 1982 - Company Origins:

• Sega is a Japanese multinational video game developer, and publisher headquarter in Tokyo, Japan and multiple offices around the world. The company originally started off, in 1940.

1978 – 1983 – Golden age of arcade games:

• Sega introduced their first game which was called arcade gaming boom, in the late 1970’s. they made $100 million by 1979. later on, during 1982, Sega made $214 million. That year, they introduced the first game with special graphics, which was the industries first 3D game.

1982 – 1989:

• Sega continued with their on going success, and many other games came out during that time.

1989 – 2001:

• Sega then went onto introducing the Nintendo, which became very popular.

2005 – 2013:

• The Sega studio was formed, and the company became even more well known.