Media Evaluation Q2 updated


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Question 2

How does your

media product

represent particular

social groups?

I constructed some reader profiles where I took a few of my target audience and looked

at their hobbies and interests in more detail. This allows me to put features in my

magazine that will attract my target audience.


The top image is of Hayley Williams who

is well known and popular within my target

audience. I recreated this make up look on

my model in the bottom image.

Pose These images have similar stances

however the image I took on the left

looks younger and more

appropriate for the younger viewers

in my target

audience. The photo on the right is


Hayley Williams who is popular


my music genre so using her as

inspiration helps link my magazine

with my target audience.

Looking at The Male Gaze, the

pose does not seem to fit within

one of the categories.

However, this is not a bad thing, as

it allows experimentation and

new, updated, ideas to come to



Although my magazine is aimed at both genders, I think that the featured model

would inspire female teenagers. The model has her own style (blue hair) and

the article shows her following her dreams and becoming successful which I

think would promote a good image and role model to younger girls.

I think individuality has been explored in the mainstream media however, I don’t

think it has been done for younger teens for alternative music genres. I think

this is benefited by using up and coming artists as they are unaffected by the

pressures of the media and are more relatable to the target audience.

People who like the rock/alternative genre are stereotypically more diverse and

therefore accepting. However, as my model was a white, British

heterosexual, this has followed the ‘norm’ of society and the general music

culture. Saying this, I would still keep my model as she represents a lot of

people in society but I would definitely expand who I would use in future


The majority of my target audience will also fit within the social grade of C1.