Media evaluation



My media evaluation

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  • 1. While creating my magazine I have tried to stick to the normal conventions of a magazine while changing them slightly to make my own magazine original enough to stand out to its target audience. I have stuck to basic conventions such as having the masthead and skyline at the top of the page on the front cover of my magazine. Challenging conventions was harder than following them but I did challenge certain conventions like having a different costume for different pages. I challenged this convention because I wanted to make sure the audience knew who the model was throughout the magazine and I thought that the easiest way to do this would be to have her in the same outfit throughout; This also helped me to keep m model recognizable to the target audience. My double page spread conforms to magazine conventions by having a large image taking up most of the space on one of the two pages while the text is taking up the rest of the space on the opposite page. My analysis of different front covers, contents page and double page spreads helped me to identify the conventions I wanted to follow in my own magazine as I could identify if a lot of magazines followed similar conventions to make them look professional.

2. My magazine clearly fits into the music genre by the use of music terminology in the title, images of instruments and concerts that I have been to and by using recognizable artists names that fans can easily pick up on. Overall I think that my magazine doesnt look like a real published magazine but it does follow most of the same conventions that they do. 3. My product represents young adults and teenagers who listen to pop music. I have achieved this through the images and design of my magazine by keeping everything minimalistic and simple like the tracks in this genre of music. Also pop magazines tend to have very simple layouts and designs. To attract a younger audience to my magazine I have used a teenage model on my front cover to make the magazine relatable to the young audience I am trying to appeal to. I have mainly tried to aim my magazine at a female audience by using stereotypical girl colours and fonts. I think by doing this I have failed to attract a lot of male audience members. To research into the pop genre I looked at existing media products in this genre and looked into what the models in their photographs were wearing and what poses they were in, what layouts the pages were using and other conventions that were being used throughout the magazine. I think that my media product does conform to certain stereotypes in the pop genre as it is mostly seen as a female dominated genre which is very similar to the content in my magazine. 4. My magazine would best sell in supermarkets and newsagents. I think this because big supermarket chains and newsagents have a lot of different genre magazines available to buy. Also because my magazine is in the music genre people who like reading music magazine will have to go there to buy a new magazine anyway so they would be more likely to purchase my magazine there. 5. I think that the publisher most likely to distribute my magazine would be IPC Media as my own magazine is in the same genre as one of their most successful magazines (NME) but is very different to it at he same time. NME is aimed at an young adult fanbase who listen to different variation of rock (pop rock, alternate rock, etc..) and metal whereas my magazine is aimed at a young female audience who listens to pop. This would be a new market for IPC Media to investigate as they have no current products that appeal to this audience. Different IPC media magazines 6. This is a short interview I did with a member of my target audience to find out what they liked and didnt like about my magazine. The target audience for my magazine is teenager and young adults who listen to pop music. I have chosen this genre as pop music is huge at the moment with a lot of young people listening to pop music everyday so my magazine will be able to use artists that they recognise. My magazine is mainly tailored for a female audience because from the results of my survey that I did I found out that most of the people I questioned that said they read magazines were female. 7. I have tried to attract my audience by using different style fonts and pictures to make my own magazine look unique and to set it apart from other magazines. I have used a A4 sized picture of my model (Ashleigh, 17) on my front cover to attract the readers attention. Also my model is representing the audience I am targeting for my magazine so this will help to get their attention. The title font I have used is a bold comic book font to attract the readers attention which also follows general magazine conventions which will also attract the readers attention to the page titles which will interest them in the content on them. The video on the slide before also shows what I found when I interviewed a member of my target audience to see what they did and didnt like about my magazine. The other video on slide three also addresses different ways I could distribute my magazine by asking a different member of my target audience what form of magazine they prefer to read (digital or print). 8. I have learnt a lot from the process of making my magazine. I now feel confident in using Photoshop CS6 to edit my photos by using different filters, changing the saturation and brightness of the photos to create different effects. I also now feel a lot more confident to use Photoshop to create a whole magazine whereas when I started I wouldve preferred to use Microsoft publisher as I knew how use the software before I started to create my magazine. I have also learnt how to add custom fonts into a computer. I downloaded my custom fonts from 9. One of the major things I have learnt while creating my music magazine is how to manage my time better so I can finish my work before the deadline. I had a lot of problems with this when I first started my college magazine and it put me behind when I needed to start my music magazine but I have managed to catch up now by working hard outside of lessons as well. Another major factor I have learnt from creating the preliminary product is how to use Photoshop to create a better quality product than Microsoft publisher. When I created my college magazine I used Microsoft publisher and now from using adobe Photoshop I can be more creative and am allowed more freedom to create the product I wanted to and wasnt as limited as I wouldve been If I had continued to use Microsoft publisher. However there was still a lot I needed to learn while creating my music magazine. I have managed to learn how to take a better quality picture that is more suitable for its original purpose, how to add new fonts into a PC and then into a different software package and how to apply different layer styles and effects which I had never done before. 10. Looking back at the preliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot of new skills that have helped me to create a professional looking product that I wouldnt of been able to create without the experience and knowledge I have gained from creating my two magazines.