Media A Level Coursework Workbook


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Leah Gray


The Leigh Academy


Using Conventions in Film Posters

Rather classic film poster due to the title at the bottom and the featuring actors below in smaller font.

Challenges the role of the protagonist; audience would start to believe that the female is the main character due to her height & placement within the poster.

Dark shadows placed on actors encourages that perhaps a dark & tragic scene later on occurs.

Positioning of the male & female characters suggest an intimate scene is taking place.

Focus pull & shallow focus is used on the two characters to emphasise the intimacy and situation taking place.

Locked positioning of two characters and position of his hands suggests they are in a relationship.

Two shot is used within this poster to portray the relationship.

Placement of characters follows the classic layout of a film poster as characters are centered.

Medium shot is used to show upper body movements.

A dark faded colour theme is used as well as a white light contrast; this suggests there is a tragic scene that takes place with a good ending.

Exposure of the female’s skin as well as her choice of clothing can influence the idea of a sex object towards male adults.

Framing is used to focus on the two individuals sharing an intimate moment within the poster.

The placement of the female suggests she has more power within the poster due to her being at a higher level; this could mean more authority & importance too.

The only bright use of colour are the bold red boxing gloves which suggest the film is about boxing sport; the red shows the significance and importance of the gloves to the film.

The colour scheme of the text (white & orange) also fits well with the colour scheme of the poster as dull faded colours are used.

Developing/Challenging Conventions in Film Posters

This poster develops the use of conventions due to the location & setting dominating the poster; usually the protagonist is the one who dominates the poster.

A limited colour palette of red, blue, black and white is used to emphasise the type of genre of thriller.

The powerful white lighting in the background suggests the protagonist began in a happier setting; then contrasted once she ran into the woods.

This poster challenges the use of conventions due to the use of long text at the top as stereotypical film posters include summarised credits at the bottom.

This poster challenges the use of conventions by using narrative element within the shot. The poster makes it clear the shot has been taken from a significant scene in the film & purposefully tells the audience already what the film is roughly about.

The sharp long thorns coming out the trees suggests a danger will occur within the film; also due to the thorns overlapping over the protagonist.

This also challenges conventions because even though the thorns and trees dominate the film poster; the thorns are still blurred suggesting the protagonist is able to defeat the dark forest and escape the wood.

The poster suggests that the red hood is a featured establishing prop within the film due to the hood being the most vibrant colour used in the film poster.

This develops conventions as make-up used on the protagonist is very pale which is similar to the light in the background; suggesting the protagonist is a innocent character. A deep dark red is also used on her lips to contrast and make them stand out; similar to her red hood.

Shallow focus is used on the protagonist but the layered overlapping of the trees challenges this.

Long shot is used to ensure all of the protagonist’s features can be identified and examined; it is also used to capture the whole of the setting as well to give the audience a clue to the genre type. The use of colour contributes towards this too.

Using Conventions in Film Trailers (South Paw)

This is using conventions as it follows the stereotypical layout opening of a film trailer. This image is portraying the disclaimer title of the movie about to be shown. This shows the film trailer is appropriate for audiences to watch. This shot often appears at the beginning of trailers and films to prove to viewers that it has been approved by the Motion Picture Association. This is also to benefit the audience of the film.

This is using conventions as it projects the film company at the beginning to show recognition. This is the producer & distributor title for the film Southpaw and the image shows the distribution company’s title which is ‘The Weinstein Company’. Directors chose this shot for legal rights purposes as well as to show the audience what distribution company the film comes under. All films feature the production company name before the film footage starts.

This is using conventions as the first shot is an intimate shot; introducing characters. This image represents a very close up and intimate moment between the female character and the male protagonist. The director has chosen this shot to show emotion and intimacy between the two characters; however the camera is only focused on her. This suggests her thoughts and emotions are more vitally important in comparison to the protagonist.

Using Conventions in Film Trailers (South Paw)

This image uses conventions as an intimate scene is occurring to suggest something happens negatively within their relationship. This image shows a close up shot between the male protagonist and his wife. The director has chosen this shot to convey an intimate and emotional scene between the two characters; the lighting is very dark on the protagonist, suggesting that more light on the female means that she is in the right in the situation they are both facing.

This image uses conventions as it has included the protagonist, establishing prop and main location/setting to give the audience a clue about what the film may be about. This is how a stereotypical trailer usually opens to introduce the film. This shot is a medium shot and uses deep focus to show that the character, boxing gloves and setting are all equally and significantly important. His battered and severely bruised eye suggests it will be violet and most appealing to men.

This image uses conventions as the camera is shallow focused on the protagonist to show his significance and importance within the film. The fact that the camera is away from his face suggests an event has taken place which he could have been ashamed or disappointed with. This also suggests he is weak and discouraged due to him turning his back on the camera. The blurred lights in the background represents his wealth and authority in the minimal clips shown.

Using Conventions in Film Trailers (South Paw)

This image uses conventions as it gives a large clue to the audience about what the genre of the film could be. This could also be argued as challenging or developing conventions as the genre is only revealed at a very late moment within the film instead of stereotypically revealed at the beginning to question the audience on whether they have an interest in that genre. This is good that the genre is revealed later on as it gives the audience more of a chance to opinionate the trailer.

This image uses conventions as it shows that an event has taken place within the trailer. The director has portrayed this through the upsetting emotion within her face and also the scene showed the female getting shot. This can be argued as a negative moment as the potential audience could argue that too much has been revealed so there is no point in seeing the film as the trailer has almost acted as a mini film production.

This image uses conventions. Due to the widening of technology and social media, recently films have started to include hash tags for instagram, twitter trends and also facebook pages to increase the promotion and advertisement for the film trailer. This can also be argued as challenging conventions due to older films not including the promotion of technology; only mainly modern films do as the branch of technology and social media was not as wide in the past.

Challenging Conventions in Film Trailers (Red Riding Hood)

This image challenges conventions due to the next scene already continuing whilst the film production company is still displayed. Usually, the film production company stays on screen for a few seconds for the purpose of making the audience aware of what company the film comes under. The company is always significant and usually only appears by itself, however Red Riding Hood’s cape overlaps the logo to suggest the cape is extremely significant.

The audience already has a rough idea about the thriller genre, but then this image contrasts the views due to the soft bright lighting in the background of the two characters. In a ‘thriller’ mind, the cape would have represented danger and darkness; however the use of the red cape on top of the bright background suggests it may be a more optimistic and positive film, therefore the audience changes their perception and are then in a large shock.

This blank black image challenges conventions as instead of the trailer continuously flowing with short clips (stereotypically used in trailers) it uses black screens to separate each section to break each scene up to represent that they’re different. However, on the other hand it is common to see these blank black screens in action films to separate each energetic clip. It is not common to see this blank black screens in thriller films.

Challenging Conventions in Film Trailers (Red Riding Hood)

In a stereotypical thriller film, it is common that wording appears in a more ‘thriller’ text. This image challenges conventions as this font looks rather cartoon-like and doesn't’t look like it should fit in well with a thriller film. The red background creates the dark ‘blood’ effect of a thriller which portrays a ‘thriller’ effect’ – however the white cartoon font does not convey the thriller genre which means the thriller may not be taken seriously by the audience.

In a stereotypical thriller film trailer, it is common that the villain’s face is somehow portrayed to show the audience who needs to be defeated by the protagonist. This shot challenges conventions as the villain’s face is not revealed; however an old medieval painting of the wolf is shown instead. The method behind this is to perhaps engage the audience to watch the film as it is the only way they will be able to see what the wolf villain looks like.

This is an example of a two-shot as the female protagonist is on screen as well as a male character. This shot shows that the location and setting is important as it is acting as a disclosing door against the male character. The fact that the door is hiding everything apart from his face, suggests that he is hiding something from the female protagonist which is why he is directly looking at her and she is turning away due to fear within a thriller.

Challenging Conventions in Film Trailers (Red Riding Hood)

In a stereotypical thriller film, it is common that wording appears in a more ‘thriller’ text. This image challenges conventions as this font looks rather cartoon-like and doesn't’t look like it should fit in well with a thriller film. The red background creates the dark ‘blood’ effect of a thriller which portrays a ‘thriller’ effect’ – however the white cartoon font does not convey the thriller genre, also the layout of actor names does not usually appear like this; therefore challenges.

In a stereotypical thriller film; scenes involving gore, blood and violence often take place in order to meet the needs and requirements of the film’s target audience. However, this shot contradicts the plot due to a tense and romantic scene taking place which is very unusual to see in a thriller film as the romantic scene doesn’t provide much of a ‘thrill’ – it lightens the mood more which can suggest the film turns less dark, and then a twist takes place as it suddenly turns dark again.

Thriller films often involve dark and mysterious settings in order to meet the specific type of genre; and in order to succeed in creating an effective mysterious setting – the lighting within the film is often dimmed and made darker to enhance the plot. On the contrary, this scene contradicts a stereotypical thriller scene due to natural lighting being used to emphasise the expression and type of shot.

Using Conventions in Film MagazinesThis using conventions as the protagonist for Sherlock Holmes is covering the ‘Empire’ magazine title to represent and emphasise his importance.

Challenging Conventions in Film Magazines

Analysis of Trailer for Genre to be Used in my Practical Coursework

The film ‘Mad Max Fury Road’ both follows and challenges the use of science fiction genre conventions. The main location in which the film is set is a desert. This challenges the conventions of the genre as the majority of sci-fi films are naturally set within a city where technology is mostly found. The character roles in this film also challenge the conventions of the genre because narrative elements are often based around villains in costume, alien style garments, extravagant props and make-up. Whereas in this film the characters are human in appearance, have simplistic clothing and basic make up effects.

This film also challenges the role of a female character. In this trailer women are seen as impassive because they appear as aggressive, dominant and powerful figures. This contrasts the typical characteristics of women in the genre as they are usually passive due to the villains and male characters dominating these roles.

The colours in this trailer are atypical of the genre. In a conventional science fiction film we typically see masculine, cold colour schemes such as blue, grey and black. Whereas in this film we see warmer colours such as brown and orange. This change in colour is both surprising and unexpected for a science fiction. The narration of a daunting male character over the top of the other ambient sounds is typical of the genre.

This film is a hybrid of genres with science fiction, action and adventure elements. This mixture of styles breaks stereotypes as a film of this nature usually has a maximum of two genres within its design.

Film Magazine & Poster Technologies

Digital TechnologyPhysical Technology



Photographical CamerasA camera’s function is to capture images in a high definition format in an electronic way. The benefit of using a camera is that it is easy for the designer to work with due to the high quality and enables the designer to store captured images electronically.

Studio A studio is where a designer takes their photos of their appropriate celebrities. Studios may include a background, lighting and a screen. The benefit of using a studio is that it captures images in a professional way.

Computer HardwareThis is the collection of all the physical parts of a computer e.g monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard disk drive. The benefit of computer hardware is that it provides a large amount of storage on the device and also provides the high resolution photos on screen for the designers to view.

Memory CardsThis is a small flash drive especially used in digital cameras. The benefit of this is that they store photos & videos and also act as a back up for designers. The more memory the memory card has, the better quality the image.

PhotoshopThe function of Photoshop is to alter and edit images in a digital way using digital software. The benefit of using Photoshop is that the designer can edit the photos to the way they want the images to specifically look like.

Promotion SoftwareThis type of software can involve projecting advertisements onto large billboards to increase the chance of individuals to look at the billboard. The benefit of distributors using this is so their films are advertised in a bolder and more effective way.

Printing ProcessesThe main process for printing are: screen printing, digital printing, offset lithography, flexography & gravure. The benefit of this is that posters & magazines will be printed in HD with clear bold colour and enhanced effects.

Printing HardwareThe function of this is to take the file which is awaiting to be printed and then communication takes place between the computer hardware and the printing hardware in order for the images to successfully print.

Film Trailer Technologies

Digital TechnologyPhysical Technology



Video CamerasA video camera’s function is to record images on a videotape and then transferring them on to a monitor screen. They are easy for directors to work with due to high quality & enables the director to store videos electronically.

Computer HardwareThis is the collection of all the physical parts of a computer e.g monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard disk drive. The benefit of computer hardware is that it provides a large amount of storage on the device and also provides the high resolution videos on screen for the designers to watch and then put together later on with editing processes.

InputsA memory card is an example of a type of input which is used to store video footage and images in order to save data in an external and safer way. It is a small, flat flash drive which can also be found in mobile phones too.

Final Cut ProThis is a type of video editing software which runs on Mac computers. Its function is to enable users to edit videos and clips to create one long selection of footage. This program is able to: cut clips, add layers of sounds, change pitch and volume, colour correct, add text, add transitions and much more.

Editors involved with filming choose to use this software as it is reliable, relatively easy to use and also provides great quality footage if a high-definition device is used to support it.

DVD BurningThis is when media files are not converted to another file before they burn to DVDs, however they are copied to another CD or DVD in their original format.

MicrophonesThis is a type of instrument used to convert sound waves to electrical energy. Directors use these to pick up & enhance the required sound needed.

LightingThe function of this is to provide light within the set of the trailer. Directors use this to enhance dramatic effects and important scenes to be emphasised.

DCP PackagesThis stands for Digital Cinema Package. It is a number of digital files which are used to store and project digital cinema.

StreamingThis is a technique which is used to transfer data so it has a continuous stream. This is a quick way to view digital videos and images.

Film Promotion Questionnaire

1. In a Sci-Fi film, what do you think makes the film most effective?

3. What costume do you think makes a character look like they’re part of a Sci-Fi film?

4. Do you find male or female main characters more effective? Why?

5. How much of the storyline do you think should be revealed in a Sci-Fi film trailer?

7. What colour scheme do you associate most with a Sci-Fi genre?

Green Grey Blue Red White Purple Black

Orange Pink Brown Yellow Turquoise Other

9. What elements would encourage you to buy a film magazine? If other, please state.

A line up Exposition Minimalist Other

6. What do you think the best location is for a Sci-Fi film? Why?

8. What is your favourite Sci-Fi film? Why? What would you rate it out of 5 stars if 1 represents the lowest and 5 represents the highest?

10. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents the lowest and 5 represents the highest, what would you rate the genre choice of Sci-Fi?

2. What is your favourite theme narrated in a Sci-Fi film? If other, please state.

Alien Invasion Technology Space Alternative World Other

Analysing my Film Promotion Questionnaire Q1) My first question asked ‘In a Sci-Fi film, what do you think makes the film most effective?’. The information I wanted to find out was what differentiates a Sci-Fi film from other film genres and what makes Sci-Fi films easily recognised and unique. The most popular answer was ‘special effects’. My target audience might have chosen this option due to younger people having a more attraction to energy and excitement within films; and special effects automatically provides this interest to the audience. This question has helped influence my product as I now know what is vital to include in order for my target audience to portray an an interest.

Q2) My second question asked ‘What is your favourite theme narrated in a Sci-Fi film?’. The information I wanted to find out was what narrative elements my target audience found attractive in Sci-Fi films. The most popular answer was ‘technology’. My target audience might have chosen this option due to them growing up in the most technological time period we have ever lived in. Technology is constantly changing, widening and expanding and these are the generation who are experiencing the rapid change in technology. This question has helped influence my product as I now have an idea on what the narrative element in my story can be based around.

Q3) My third question asked ‘What costume do you think makes a character look like they’re part of a Sci-Fi film?’. The information I wanted to find out was what costumes my target audience found more engaging and eye-catching so that I could meet this in my Sci-Fi based trailer. The most popular answer was ‘out of the ordinary’ and ‘abstract’. My target audience might have chosen this option as technology is constantly changing which means the ability to have skills and design work is also expanding; so costumes must be realistically made and designed. This question has helped influence my product as I now know what my target audience think is aesthetically pleasing and essential for what a costume in a Sci-Fi film must look like.

Q4) My fourth question asked ‘Do you find male or female main characters more effective? Why?’. The information I wanted to find out was what character elements they thought was essential to feature within a Sci-Fi film. The most popular answer was ‘male as they are more dominating and provide the action’. My target audience might have chosen this option because all of the people who answered the questionnaires were men which means they can relate more to the personality of the gender of the character and also because they could be slightly bias. This question has helped influence my product as I know what gender my main character must be.

Q5) My fifth question asked ‘How much of the storyline do you think should be revealed in a Sci-Fi film trailer?’. The information I wanted to find out was what the audience prefer to be revealed so it could meet their requirements within the trailer as it is one of the most important forms of promotion. The most popular answer was ‘’10% - minimal but enough to gain interest’. My target audience may have chosen this option because they like to be surprised and have unexpected plots which they would rather see whilst watching the whole film rather than just the trailer. This has helped influence my product as I know that younger people prefer to have less revealed so that minimal is given away as they would have more time to watch a series of films, however adults may prefer to have more revealed so they are not in rush of watching the film as they have less time to prioritise.

Q6) My sixth question asked ‘What do you think the best location is for a Sci-Fi film? Why?’. The information I wanted to find out was where people thought a Sci-Fi film can create the best atmosphere and setting through the location. The most popular answer was ‘space & earth (city)’. My target audience might have chosen this option because the majority of Sci-Fi films were filmed in this location during the decade of them growing up , therefore they have been used to this location. This question has helped influence my product as I know my location must include a similar setting to the most popular answer. I will do this using Photoshop and special effects editing.

Q7) My seventh question asked ‘What colour schemes do you associate most with a Sci-Fi genre?. The information I wanted to find out was what colours are preferred so I can use them in the film poster, trailer, and also effects of colour correcting. The most popular answer was ‘black, blue and green’. My target audience might have chosen this option because from watching Sci-Fi films in the past, these are the most stereotypical colours used which is purely what they are used to. This question has helped influence my product as I know what colours to use for the font, background and information minimally revealed in the trailer, film poster and official trailer.

Q8) My eighth question asked ‘What is your favourite Sci-Fi film? Why? What would you rate it out of 5 stars if 1 represents the lowest and 5 represents the highest? The most popular answer was ‘Star Wars because of the characters and clear Sci-Fi location and also 5 stars’. My target audience might have chosen this option because during their life time, there has been a sequel of Star Wars films including DVDs and merchandise to increase sales of the film and promotion. This question has helped influence my product as I now know that younger people like he idea of space and supernatural which is what I can consider to use in my film.

Q9) My ninth question asked ‘On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents the lowest and 5 represents the highest., what would you rate the genre choice of Sci-Fi overall?’. The information I wanted to find out was whether Sci-Fi actually appealed to my target audience or whether they just have just watched a few in their life. The most popular answer was ’4 stars’. My target audience might of chosen this option because technology, skills are media are expanding meaning effects are getting better so Sci-Fi films generally are more interesting to watch compared to the past. This question has helped influence my product as I know that my film trailer will appeal to my target audience; meaning it should be a success with views and interest.
