Meanings of words


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Concrete & Abstract Nouns

Connotation & Denotation

Concrete nouns refer to objects or events that are available to the senses, meaning you can easily picture them in your head:

Spoon Table Desk Nose ring Candle Bird Lamp Pen Cilantro

These are concepts or ideas that are not easily pictured:

Love Success Sexism Creativity Success Truth Virtue Beauty Misery Pride Courage Faith

Remember, for the topic of the Extended Definition Essay, you should choose an abstract concept. This will give you more opportunity to define it in a unique way.

Denotation—the dictionary definition of a word.

Examples: Home is the place a

person lives.

A snake is an animal that slithers.

Connotation—the idea implied but not directly indicated by the word. Connotations convey attitudes and emotional overtones, either positive or negative, beyond the literal definition. Although connotations may vary among individuals, a large group of shared connotations exist.

Example: Home is not just where a person lives. It is where one finds comfort, often associated with a feeling of privacy or coziness.

Example: Be careful when you talk to people after the meeting. You don’t want to give the snakes anything to use against you.

For the Extended Definition Essay, you’ll be defining a word using the connotations you associate with it, which is what makes it unique. Here are some questions to consider:

How do others view this concept?

How do I view this concept, and how does it differ from how others view it?
