MCQC's Logo Quiz - Prelims


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1. The tag line of X is “Hard Work Alone Gives Greatness” written in Y’s native language. The logo of X contains a picture of the Y fort, Y being the place where X is located. X has expanded to other places in recent times but unfortunately it’s facing legal problems in those places.


2. Symbol for what ?

3. Supposed Logo of what ?

4. A member of X reportedly approached

the Royal College of Art in 1969 to commission images for X. John Pascheended up designing their logo and worked for X from 1970 - 1974. “Face to face with him, the first thing you were aware of was the size of his lips and his mouth,” Paschesaid after meeting the person. This later served as inspiration for the logo.

Give Me X.

5. ID the logo in the center.

Ministry Of Magic

6. Which House ?

House Martell ......

Poor Viper

7. The 3 emblems below are in chronological order. ID the 3rd Logo and where would you find these?

The Rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic

All Found in the Star Wars Universe or in a Galaxy Far Far away :P

8. 1976 Logo of what ?

Apple !

Did anyone feel their wallets go light after reading the answer ?

9. Logo of which institution ?

10. ID

11. ID

Asian Games

12. ID

13. ID

Chennai Metro Rail

14. What Industries ?

15. What would this be a logo of ?

Grammar Nazi !!

16. ID this Indian company.

Force Motors

17. Below is the logo of X Inc. What is X ??

18. What does this Google doodle celebrate? What significance does this Google doodle have ?

Burning Man Festival1st Google Doodle.

19. Government of X.ID X

20. Print AD by ?

21. ID

22. This is the Logo of which union that is hated by many of you present here ?

IUPACInternational Union of Pure and

Applied Chemistry


24. The name of this company comes from

the Afrikaans name of a type of antelope. Very famous brand. It has been a subsidy of the late Adolf Dassler’s company since

2005. The recently changed their logo calling it the Delta. What Company are we

talking about ?

25. Named after Greek Goddess of Victory, the swoosh in this logo

symbolizes her flight.