Maths Unit 1 Glossary


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+ plus

- Minus

* or x times

= equals (equal to)

< is less than

> is greater than

≤ is less than or equal to

≥ is more than or equal to

≠ is not equal to

/ or ÷ divided by

1/2 one half, 1/3 one third, 1/4 one quarter

5/9, 2/3, 5/6 five ninths, two thirds, five sixths

% percent

Agregar o añadir to add to

Ángulo angle

Año luz light year

Agrupar to group

Anterior previous

Base base

Básico basic

Borrar to erase

Borrador eraser

Buscar to look for

Centésimas hundredths

Cociente quotient

Centímetro centimeter (Am) /centimetre (Br)

Dato datum (S.) data (Pl.)

Decenas tens

Decenas de millar ten thousands

Decimal decimal

Décimas tenths

Decímetro decimeter (Am.)

Denominador denominator

Descuento discount

Diagonal diagonal

Diez ten

Diezmilésimas ten-thousandths

Dígito digit

Dimensiones dimensions

Dividendo dividend

Divisor divisor

División division

Enunciado wording

Gráfica graph

Posterior later

Resto remainder

Solución solution, answer

© Victoria Bejarano 2010
