Master Presentation



Food of the 1930's

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  • 1. November 13, 2009
    Cultural Panel Food of the 1930s
    Presented By:
    Taylor Doak
    Abdul Rezai
    Grace Wetherington
    Rhiannon Clause

2. Taylor Doak
How American Legislation
Changed to Accommodate
The Hard Times
3. Food in the 1930s
The meat on a young squirrel is tender and best cooked simply- pan fried, perhaps with a white wine sauce on the side.Grilling is good too.Stir-fried squirrel head is another delicacy because of tender cheek and neck meat, and of course the scoop of brain that goes down in one swallow, just like oysters, just in time before you worry about squirrel disease or anything like that.
America Eats
(Willard 24)
4. Whats being Produced?
Chicken was not consumed often due to its higher price
5. Make the Best with What You Have
Used manure to fertilize fields
Arsenic poison used for pesticides
Copper sulfate used for herbicides
15 hours labor = 100 bushels of corn
$765 million a year
32 percent of all exports
13 % reported having electricity
Average- $0.13 per bushel
6. Threshers dinner
Meal would be as extravagant as the host could make it.
Home decorated
Large feast
Attempt to outdo neighbors with display of status
7. Women were not allowed around BBQ because meat was not able to breathe
Beer typically saved for men leaving the fields, not women
8. Roosevelt's Legislation
1938- Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)
balance supply and demand for farm products (corn, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, tobacco, milk)so that prices would support a decent purchasing power for farmers
Federal Assistance for school lunches
1939- Food Stamps
Vice President, Henry A. Wallace
Hybred seed corn
9. New Deal
To combat job loss, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and Civilian Conservation Corporation (CCC) began.
These groups provided work for over three million unemployed farmers serving the community by building roads, buildings, telephone lines and clearing-up the streets.
10. Food distribution Program
People dying of starvation during a weak economy
Farmers burned crops and destroyed livestock due to low demand
1935- Congress authorized U.S. department of Agriculture to buy unsold product from farmers and channel them through local agencies to feed the hungry (schools, summer camps, charitable org., needy families)
11. Abdul Rezai
Agriculture and How
Americans Kept From
12. Farmers in 1930s

  • 1934: more 30% Americans were farmers

13. Raised their own food 14. baked their own bread 15. Raised sheep for meat and wool 16. Kept bees to harvest honey 17. Kept horsesand mules for work