Mass culturing of trichogramma


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Guided by : Presented by:Dr. M.K.Nayak Devendra Rajpoot

Roll No. 5756


- Rearing of C. cephalonca:=- the larvae of C. cephalonica can be reared on cumbu

grain. Heat sterilised broken cumbu grain @2.5kg along with 100g of groundnut powder and 5 g of powered yeast tablet are taken in a wooded or plastic trays. Streptomycin sulphate 0.05 per cent spray is given @ 10to 0 ml per tray to prevent bacterial infection. Sulphur wp is added @5g per tray to prevent storage mite infection corcyra eggs @0.5 cc \tray are uniformly mixed in cumbu medium and the trays are covered with kada cloth secured by rubber band.the hatching larvae feed on the grain webbing and larval period lasts for 30to35oayes.the emerging corcyra adults are collected every morning and transferred to a specially designed mating drum made of G.I with wire mesh bottom where they ore provided with honey solution as food. The eggs are cleaned with sieves or egg separator. One cc of egg will contain approximately 16.000 to 18.000 eggs . About 100 pairs of corcyra moth will produce 1.5cc of eggs during the four days of egg laying period from each culture tray a maximum of 2500 moths can be obtained. A tray can be kept for about 90 days for collection of adult moths due to staggered development.

Mass clturiing of egg parasltoid teichogramma :=

the eggs of Corcyra are sterilized by exposing to UV light to kill embryo and are sprinkled uniformly on large egg card divided into 30 rectangles by drawing lines containing a thin layer of gum@ 6cc\card. These cards are taken in large polythene bags containing nucleus egg card at a ratio of 1.6 to fresh eggs and ezposed for 2 days. They are kept for another 2 days at room temperature and on fourth day parasitised eggs turn black in colour. At this stage. The parasitized egg can be used for field release or stored at 10·c for a fortnight.

Field release : the parasitoids emerge 7 days after parasitisation under room temperature. When cold stored. The cards are taken out and kept in room temperature a day before field release. The egg card s cut into smaller cards along the lines and stapled on the plant.


