Man as He Co-exist With Others And His World



Philosophy of Man Chapter 6: Man as He Co-exist With Others And His World

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Man As He Co-Exists With Others And His World


“state of being human”“understanding of his state of being human at the same time an understanding on the meaning of being human.”

“means the sense, purpose, and direction of human life.” – Babor (2007)

“Man and the world are inseparably related to each other in a form of mutual exchange.”

Babor, quoting Marcel

“Man is himself a historicity.”

“The existence in the world is an existence

of time.”

“Man makes the future through his past and present.”

Man should take time to reflect on how he can help beautify his

world and become more active in making the world a greener

pasture for everybody.

“an environment is only true to animals. Man has a world, not an environment.”


“The world and man are related to each other in the sense of exchange, involvement, and participation.”

Marcel as quoted by Babor“Man does not live in the world, and instead dwells

in the world.”Heidegger

A man cannot exist apart from the world, since he is basically a being-in-the-world.

Man acts as a master planner of the

world since man is called to build and beautify the world.

His responsibility is to take care of the

world and his environment.

Your brain has storage vaults that contain bits of

information recorded for years before. Yet an average

person uses less than ten percent of the brain’s


“A potentiality towards understanding so that it is understanding that which is the resultant factor of the activation of the mind or intellect”


First, it is a mental activity.

Second, as a mental activity,

man thinks when he is in control of

his mind.

Third, as man thinks when he is in control of his

mind, he engages in an introspective

or subjective empirical activity.

Thinking can be derived in three ways:

Truth is localized in the intellect.

Truth is immutable.

Truth is absolute

Truth is eternal

Characteristics of Truth:

Man as a thinking being should strive to

seek for and live in truth.

Man lives in truth when he lives in wisdom.


“Work is one of the characteristics that distinguishes man from the rest of the creatures whose activity for sustaining their lives cannot be called work. Only man is capable of work,

and only man works, at the same time by work occupying his existence on earth. Thus, work bears a particular mark of a person operating

within a community of persons.”

Pope John Paul II

“Sexuality is the foundation of man’s personhood. It is the specific manifestation of

man’s being-in-the-world. Because man is being-in-the-world-with-others, sexuality can be interpreted as the fundamental factor of

man’s intersubjectivity or man’s interpersonal relatedness. Thus, sexuality presents the uniqueness of a person in his emotions, feelings, actions, attitudes, and thoughts,

among others.”Babor

Ludic Love

Storge Love

Pragma Love

Manic Love



Filial Love

Kinds of Love:

“Livings beings need other like themselves, that sexual love unites spiritual and carnal love, that there is no normal man outside a normal human relationship, and that man has the duty to love.”

Cruz quoting Teilhard de Chardin

Love in an Encounter.

Love is Silent.

Love Always Seeks for Unification.

Love is Giving.

Love is Growth.

Love is Action.

Love is Creative.

Love is Mutual.

Love is the Supreme Value.

Love is Mysterious.

Love is a Decision.

Characteristics of Love:

“Religion or faith is a result of fear of the unknown or fear of what is next to happen after death.”

Bertrand Russel

“As long as man accepts God, death ceases to be a problem… that belief in God is a choice; and if one has embraced the chance to believe in God, then the depth of one’s fear of the unknown will be vanished.”

Albert Camus

“God is neither conditioned nor determined by man’s belief.”


“That even though you are faithless yet He remains faithful for He cannot disown himself.”

Epistle to the Hebrews



Why is there religion? Why is man conscious of where he comes from and where he is going?• if God does not exist, it follows that

everything is permitted. In reality, not everything is permitted. It requires responsibility. Hence, there is God, for if there is no God, we certainly will live in a world of utter confusion, chaos, and moral decadence.

“Expected to be aware of his believing. He doesn’t just believe, but he knows that he believes. He knows that he has come to believe through his fellow believers… He recognizes too that what he believes is said to be from God, whose existence he accepts and confesses in the very act of believing.”

From the article of Father Francis E. Reilly, S.J. (Rational Inquiry About God’s Existence)

Several doctrines:

• Theism• Atheism• Agnosticism• Pantheism• Monotheism• Polytheism• Deism• Rationalism• Pragmatism• Naturalism• Liberalism• Modernism

Meaning of God:

God is the Supreme Being on whom everything depends;

God is a self-existing Being, and therefore, an Uncaused Being (that is, nobody created Him);

God is a Necessary Being Who cannot exist (for He is a self-existent Being);

God is the most Perfect Being; and

God is the Ultimate Cause of all beings (everything originated from God).
