Mailing May




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MayDay 2 Pages 306-309

Day 2 Goals:

Play Guess the Covered Word

Infer answers

Find the main problem

Use details from the story

Make predictions

Infer the setting

Make connections

Let’s Get Started!

Summarize what you read yesterday to your face partner.

Who can share what your partner told you?

Who can define alliteration?

Read page 307. Look for an example of alliteration. Record your finding on your follow along.

Reread any page already read while your waiting

Excerpt from the text:

“ Let’s find out exactly how much you and your valise weigh.”

Predict what you think a valise is. Tell your shoulder partner. Take turns and the person closest to the Smartboard predicts first.

Who will share your partner’s prediction?

Ooooo! Who used the picture clues??

Dictionary definition of a valice:

Use those picture clues!!

Let’s share answers!

Awesome answer: Mary’s main problem in the story is that she wants to stay a spell with Grandma Mary, but Grandma lives a million miles away in the rough old Idaho mountains. Mary needs money for the train and train tickets cost a dollar fifty five. Mary needs money and a job!

You may erase and get your answer just right!

Predict how you think May is going to solve her problem. Share your prediction with at least two people.

Who can define setting? Make sure you include the words when and where in your answer.

Sometimes a story setting is stated, but at other times, we have to infer and look for clues in the story to figure it out.

Identify the setting of Mailing May. Infer with clues using the text on page 302 and the pictures in the rest of the story.

Web the words that describe the setting on your follow along. Off of each word, web the clue that helped you infer your answer.

Mailing May Setting

Word Inferred

Word Inferred

Word Inferred




Did you include any of the following words in your setting? If not, add them!

Mailing May Setting


Pictures of snow, jackets, and gloves

In the past

Pictures of old fashioned clothes


The Idaho mountains are mentioned on page 302

The sixth paragraph says... “I must have looked pretty sad, because Mr. Alexander reached for a jar of peppermint sticks. The sweet, wintry taste didn’t do much to cheer me as I slogged my way home.”

What does the word slogged mean as it is used in the sentence? What clues from the story helped you figure out the meaning?



Now stand up and slog around the room!

Read page 304.

Make two predictions with the page and record them on your follow along.

Be sure to include the text, your connection, and what kind of connection it is on the graphic organizer. (T-T, T-S. T-W)

If you get finished before we discuss, reread any page we have covered.

Take your paper and mix around the room, when the music stops find a group of two or three people.

Take turns sharing your favorite connection.


Close your books and let’s review!

Who is the main character in the story? Whisper the answer to me!

Show me the motion for infer.

Tell two important words that define setting to your shoulder partner.

Now predict what you think is going to happen tomorrow. Stand on your chair if you’d like to share your prediction with the class.
