Magazine step guide


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Step guide for magazine advert

In order to open a image I selected ‘file- open’ and then my USB stick files appeared within a box and from this I selected a image from my previous Manchester location photography shoot. I found this image most successful from my photography work and I found that it will go well on a digipak.

So the text can be seen on the advert I placed a rectangular shape in the centre of the back of the digipk. I did this by selecting the ‘Rectangle tool’ then In order to change the colour I selected the ‘Set foreground colour tool’ then a box appeared for me to choose a colour, then from this I selected the ‘Paint bucket tool’ and pressed on the drawn shape to change the colour. All of the tools are shown above and what there logo looks like. I changed the boxes format by adjusting the blending mode to l’inear dodge.’



3. 4.


I added the albums logo as well as the artists logo on the spine of the digipak. I pressed ‘Ctrl T’ to move and

rotate the text .


