Magazine advert analysis


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Magazine Adverts Analysis

Fall Out Boy-Magazine Ad

The advert is very dark and dull which suggests what type of music will be on this album. This ad seems to be targeted at a Goth/Emo like audience as it includes all the colours related to that style and what you would stereotypically relate to Goths/Emos.

On the left is an electric guitar’s head which suggests a little bit of rock music but that the album is not over run by that genre of music because we only get an image of the guitar head.

The tagline suggests something spiritual about the music on the album.

For the advert only two main colours look to have been used: White and Black. These are not always considered colours, but shades. This would not attract a general market so the advert is clearly targeting existing fans of this particular artist. This also makes sense as this is a greatest hits album and so only fans will really appreciate and want to purchase the product as people who are not fans have not bought their previous music and sop why would they be interested in a compilation of hits

At the bottom of the ad we have a unique selling point of adding in a deluxe CD/DVD which the other albums do not contain. This makes the consumer feel as if they are not just re-purchasing songs but they are getting something extra for their money.

Kasabian-Magazine adThe name of the band is the biggest text on the ad. This straight away alerts the audiences attention to who the ad is advertising and will send some indication of what is being advertised also. This appears to be similar with the previous ad and so is maybe something we should incorporate onto our own ad design. The text is also straight across the middle and so your eyes are instantly drawn into the middle of the page.

The image appears to be of God and he is holding a naked woman. The image suggests power and control as that is what is associated with God. However you would not always associate God with Rock music.

The blue smoke largely seen above and under God suggests e is possessed by something or someone. The look in his eyes reinforces this. What this suggests to the audience is that the music from this album is so powerful and hypnotising that it can even take power over God.

This ad contains more than three colours which is unusual as ads usually choose only three main colours as to not overload the audience with different stimuli. Black, Red, Green, Blue and White. The blue and green are not that present on the page but the other colours are.

Important information showing the release date of the album and a few examples of ratings given by magazines

Foo Fighters-Magazine adThe advert is simply the album cover but the background has been extended slightly to fit better onto an A4 sheet. The bottom navy blue/black part of the page has been added on to create the suitable magazine page side and to add the needed information on for the audience to learn about the release of the album, and what the album includes. As it is a greatest hits album being advertised the audience that this ad is targeted at will have most likely heard of the band already. This means they need an extra incentive to purchase this album which is why they decide to include a special CD/DVD both in the actual album and on the advert as this makes the audience aware.

What looks to be the logo of the band has been added to the add so this clearly represents who is on the album.Also we have the largest text again on the page which is the name of the band which is the ‘Foo Fighters’.

There are 3 main colours used in this image: Red, Black and White. Although the background is a texture it can be perceived as an extremely dark shade of white and so this does not add any extra unnecessary colour too the page and distract the audience from what is important which is what is being sold/advertised.

At the very bottom of the page we have specific songs that are included on the album to give an indication to the audience of which Foo Fighters songs they will on it. Also a web address is added so that people who see the add can get straight online and purchase it. For our add we could adapt this to an address where the album can be downloaded and not where you can buy a hard copy as our research results have shown people mainly download their music.