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This video is a prime example of a conventional introduction to a music video. There are black out intervals between various city and beach establishing shots revealing the artists’ names and the title of the soundtrack.

These frames are edited into a montage of shots.

Editing and Camera Shots

Editing:• Slow motion- particularly edited into shots of Colbie• Parallel editing between the two artists (city and beach)• Quick shots- montage

Many shots featuring shallow depth of field.

Cliché beach shots

Conventional medium/close up shots featuring both artists sing ing the song- conventional with more famous artists.

Similar shots repeated throughout the video.

Narrative This video has an ambiguous nature to it. It seems through the use of parallel editing and the lyrics to the soundtrack, that the intentional narrative is conveying a story of two lovers that are separated by distance/geography. The performance from the artists’ is very posed/staged which is slightly unconventional for a video that has a more arty feel to it involving many cinematic shots. The use of montage editing makes it appear as though the artists are singing to each other which adds to the romance genre of the piece.

Audience The cinematic shots of beautiful city and seaside locations are more suitable

for a more mature audience. Throughout our research we generally discovered that the age of the artist is very influential in terms of target audience. It is common that the audience is of a similar age to the artist

therefore with Jason Mraz being a slightly older artist and the nature of his songs and videos being more mature, we can presume that the audience

are in the age range of around 25-50.

Media Theory Sven E Carlsson believes that there are two categories that music videos can fall under:1. Performance - Performance videos are when the audience are able to see the artist(s)

singing and dancing throughout the video.

2. Conceptual - Conceptual videos are when the audience watch something other than the artist throughout the video.

It is clear that this video falls under the performance category with both artists singing along throughout the