Lockleair final project art 110


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Hay St. FountainHay St. Fountain

Michele LockleairMichele Lockleair

Art AppreciationArt AppreciationDebra PylypiwDebra PylypiwART 111.0902ART 111.0902Spring 2010Spring 2010

Olde Town GalleryOlde Town Gallery

Olde Town Gallery is located at:124 Maxwell St. in downtown Fayetteville

They can be reached by phone at (910)485-4378

Allana GoodyearAllana GoodyearAllana Goodyear is a co-owner of Olde Town Gallery. She has lived in Fayetteville since she was three months old. She did not begin painting until 1996 when she decided to “find something she enjoyed for herself” (Goodyear) since her children were getting ready to graduate high school and move on with their lives. She never felt she was an artistic person, but someone suggested painting and she decided to give it try. She took her first art class in pastel at Fayetteville Technical Community College under the instruction of Tom Moore. She then took a water color class under Lynn Padric. She has also traveled to Provence, France to take a National Geographic Workshop on photography and studied under Joe McNalley while there. She says that this helped her to learn more about perspective, though she says that she still needs to take a class to learn even more because proper perspective is very difficult to achieve. Most of her work begins as photographs and she paints from them. She feels her greatest achievement in art is a piece that was purchased by Cape Fear Valley Hospital which is dye on silk. She said it was a very difficult and satisfying piece to make. Dye on silk by Allana Dye on silk by Allana

Cape Fear Valley Hospital (Main Entrance elevators 3Cape Fear Valley Hospital (Main Entrance elevators 3rdrd floor) floor)

Hay St. FountainHay St. Fountain

As painted by Allana GoodyearAs painted by Allana GoodyearAs photographed by meAs photographed by me

Formal AnalysisFormal AnalysisHay St. Fountain was painted by Allana Goodyear. It is a vertical presentation and is 16 in. x 20 in. It is currently on display at Olde Town Gallery in Fayetteville, North Carolina. It is an oil on canvas painting of a local fountain near the corners of Hay and Old streets in the downtown area. This is a representational piece. It seems to be a beautiful spring day. It looks like the sun is shining through the trees and creating shadows on the sidewalk, which Allana has captured beautifully. The colors are soft and warm. The most prominent element in the painting is the fountain. It is set off center in the painting giving it more attention and allowing the viewers eye to wander around the piece instead of being drawn strait to the center. The water in the fountain is gently falling over the sides and creating ripples in the pool at the base. The blue of the water is echoed in the fainter blue sky which balances the painting. There is a row of buildings on the left side of the painting, which look old and worn giving a true sense of the age of the town. The diagonal line created by the buildings gives a sense of perspective as the viewer looks down the road into the disappearing horizon. The viewer feels drawn into the picture and feels as though they could be walking down the street looking into the windows of the shops or just stopping to listen to the sound of the water at the fountain. This painting gives a feeling of serenity.


The purpose of this artwork to the community is found in the fact that it forever captures the fountain that one day may not stand in this location. It also leaves behind a legacy of local art and a reminder of what Hay and Old streets looked like. Some of the buildings in this area have been tore down. Many of the buildings are decaying and although many have been or are in the process of being rehabilitated they may not look the same when they are finished.

Other Works by AllanaOther Works by Allana


GasGas by Edward Hopper by Edward Hopper

Hay St. Fountain Hay St. Fountain by Allana Goodyearby Allana Goodyear


Gas by Edward Hopper and Hay St. Fountain by Allana Goodyear are both paintings of everyday life. In Gas we see a solitary man among a row of gas pumps. In Hay St. Fountain we see a solitary fountain among a row of buildings. Both have a one-point linear perspective with the vanishing point at the horizon. Both are representational and are two dimensional works. Each one tells a story about life in a town, which could be any town. Both are serene and show light and shadows. The same way that Hopper shows the ordinariness of life (Getlein 61), so does Allana. Hay St. Fountain is an ordinary fountain in an ordinary town and could be found almost anywhere if we did not already know where it was.

The colors in Gas are more vivid and have more contrast against each other than the colors in Hay St. Fountain which are more subtle shades and almost seem to blend together between buildings and sky and trees. Gas is presented in a horizontal or landscape orientation, whereas Hay St. Fountain is presented in a vertical or portrait orientation. Where the building and pumps in Gas seem to be new and shiny, the buildings in Hay St. Fountain are old and dull. Hopper places the focal point (the man and gas pumps) in the center of the painting, whereas Allana offsets her focal point (the fountain) even allowing part of it to fall off the canvas and out of view. When the viewer looks at Gas there is an expectation of something getting ready to happen, of waiting for something. When looking at Hay St. Fountain there is a sense of calm and tranquility, of stillness.

Why I selected this piece…Why I selected this piece…

This piece was not my first choice. But I chose it because the color caught my eye. I liked the softness of the colors and the movement in the water, both from the droplets falling and the ripples they created. I was captivated by the trees and the way the leaves were painted. They are not just blobs of color, and the sunlight can be seen filtering through them and playing on them as if there is a slight breeze blowing.


“124 Maxwell St., Fayetteville, North Carolina.” Map. Google Maps. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

Enya. “Watermark.” Watermark. WEA Records, 1988. CD.

Getlein, Mark. Living with Art. Ninth ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.

Goodyear, Allana. Hay St. Fountain. 2008. Oil on canvas. Olde Town Gallery, Fayetteville.

Goodyear, Allana. Personal interview. 26 Mar. 2010.

Hopper, Edward. Gas. 1940. Oil on Canvas. Museum of Modern Art, New York. MoMa.org. Web 19 Apr. 2010.