Literacy Briefing - June 2014


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Are YOU a Literacy ninja?

Are YOU a Literacy ninja?

LITERACY MAGIC 3• Students as experts in the language of your subject• Speak like an essay: excellent oracy improves literacy• DIRT: Directed Improvement and Reflection Time: plan, proofread, ABC / green pen / SPAG M&F

And don’t forget…

Marginal gains: Pick up on EVERY capital letter/full stop!

“I already do literacy – I’ve got my keywords up on the wall”

“I don’t get literacy – I don’t know how to explain adverbs or possessive apostrophes”

“I do really want to do literacy – but I don’t have time, it’s just another thing on my list”

It’s gained time…

What does your faculty need? Find a friend. Take 10 minutes…

1. P - POINT – Give your first impression The author / character / language in the text at first glance suggests… E

OR Conveys, creates, denotes, describes, establishes, evokes, foreshadows, gives a sense of, implies…

2. E - EVIDENCE Choose short quotation to back up point. D

3. A1 – ANALYSIS – Select key words The word “…” suggests … creates a feeling of .. highlights … could imply that … C

4. A2 – DEEPER ANALYSIS – Select second word, phrase or quotation for analysis “….” Alternatively… Further suggests … may show the author intends… makes the reader feel… B 5. A3 – LINK TO CONTEXT, SYMBOLIC MEANING, CONNOTATIONS

This could symbolise… may signify… reflects the theme … Given the time during which the text was written… A – A*




Relate to the question. Your first impression of the text – GRADE E


Quote or reference to the text – GRADE D


Explain the meaning of the quotation or reference – GRADE C


How it makes us feel, the impact it has on us, and our understanding – GRADE B

The writer…

One way that…

At first glance it appears…

For example…

This is demonstrated…

This is clear in the way…

This means…

This shows…

The writer has used (technique)…

This makes the reader feel…

The impact on the audience is…

This shows the reader that…

By doing this, the writer has…

Therefore we understand…

This makes the reader understand…

Share it with your faculty…

… Someone will do it even better!

What can you do NOW? • Commit to at least one literacy

improvement – 10 minutes! • Literacy Magic 3• World Cup LiteracyWhat can you do for SEPTEMBER? • Next year = Year of Reading for Pleasure• Literacy Magic 3! • Plan / improve Literacy Transition lessons• Tutors: new improved literacy tutorials!