Listening skill, Develop Listening Skills, Understand and be Understood



Developing listening skill is not only required in a student's life. It's required to achieve success in any walk of life. Please listen to what I got to say on Listening Skills. Better understanding will lead to making your communication more effective. Improving the Listening Comprehension is a must for that. It 's required to achieve success in personal life and in professional life.

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Listening SkillBabu Appat

Listening Skill

It simply means your ability to indulge yourself in an undeterred episode of listening.

It’s Skill So can be trained and developed

Listening Span

Is the amount of time one can indulge himself in an episode of undeterred listening at a single


Uses of Listening Skill

Listening is directly proportional to learning The amount and quality of learning is closely

connected to your ability of listening Listening is too essential to build, keep and enforce

relations. Listening helps you empower interpersonal skills Listening can enhance your problem solving abilities. Listening will empower your own personality A good Listener is a good friend, invariably.

How to Develop Listening Skill We are naturally gifted with listening skill as we

are human beings We can improve upon it to have an edge over

others Constant, purposeful practice alone can bring in

an improvement Meditation helps you improve concentration,

concentration augments listening skill and listening span

You can go for some brain gym, intellectual games, arithmetic puzzles, computer games etc to improve it further.

A strong desire to develop is, above everything, basic to everything

In Interpersonal Skill DevelopmentAlthough not the topic of

popular conversation, listening skills hold a lot of

weight in relationship building. Business networking

is commonly perceived as doing proactive things to

create useful relationships. Yes, certain bond building

activities must be performed but there are details involved

Emphasis is on the SKILLAn important detail is to have exceptional listening skills. In

other words, just as much emphasis that is put into having a good elevator pitch or to be able to explain the great features and benefits your services should be

applied to your listening capabilities

There’s Room for Improvement at any level

This is one vital aspect to Personal networking and relationships that shouldn't be overlooked. You may be a great listener but it's always

good to do a spot check and consistently welcome


How great of a listener are you?

Ask yourself the following questions

1. Do you seek first to understand and then to be understood?

Sometimes we can be so excited and engrossed with our own agenda that we

are in a hurry to spread the word and speak of our own needs. There's nothing wrong with doing this, however, it should

not interfere with lending your ear in a way that allows you to receive important

information coming from your conversation partner. You must be receptive and

understanding regardless of your own current status

2. Are you conscious of how much you talk versus how much you listen?

If you are actively trying to become a better listener, it will do you well to pay

attention to how much and how well you are listening. To become a

champion listener, you should speak a few words in order to get the

conversation going and then listen attentively. When you determine that enough has been discussed about the other person's interests, it's safe for

you to express yours

3. Do you prove that you are listening?

When engaged in a conversation, it's not enough to simply stare and listen. You must react and respond

to what is being said with your body language; You should nod

your head, make facial expressions, smile, etc.. Additional

proof that you are listening is to ask questions and give brief input.

4. Is your input effective and well received?

The only way to give good input is to clearly comprehend

what is being explained to you. The reaction of your conversation partner will indicate the level of your


5. Do you ask questions?

Input is great but nothing says you are listening like asking relevant

questions. The right questions are absolute proof that you are

listening and how well.

Achieve Success in Professional Networking

Listen properly Know your Listening Span Learn Some techniques to improve your

listening span Try to spend time only on relevant events

and matters Develop genuine interest on such relevant

and required matters. Avoid others as far as possible. Learn to say no whenever wherever


Listen toBe Listened to

You’ll Be Successful


