LIS DREaM 1: Breakout session 3



Stepping out of the comfort zone by collaborating across disciplines led by Professor Sara Rankin, Professor of Leukocyte and Stem Cell Biology at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London and Gina Czarnecki, artist.This session will demonstrate how unlikely cross-disciplinary collaborations can generate exciting and unexpected outcomes, and prompt delegates to consider where they might seek similar experiences. Biomedical researcher Rankin will explain how her public engagement activities have transformed her professional identity, widened her professional network and informed her scientific research. Artist Czarnecki will discuss how her interactions and collaborations with a number of scientists and healthcare workers has enriched her practice. Together the breakout session leaders will talk about their current collaboration. Reflecting on Rankin and Czarnecki’s experiences, delegates will discuss the notion of “deep” collaboration through the two-way process of mutual influence, and the nature of “real” public engagement that runs throughout research, development and production, where public engagement can shape research and outcomes.

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Why do we need teeth?

What do we use teeth for?

• Cutting, biting food

• chewing food

• they start the digestive process which gives us the energy we need to live.

Do all animals have the same type of teeth?

• Animals' teeth are different depending upon what foods they eat.

Meat-eaters (carnivores) have sharp teeth

Plant-eaters (herbivores) have flat teeth

Animals that eat both plants and meat, (omnivores) have sharp teeth in front

and flat teeth at the back

Different types of teeth



Humans have several types of teeth

• In the adult human mouth there are four different types of teeth. They are:

• Eight chisel shaped incisors used for cutting food • Four pointed canines used for stabbing food • Eight premolars with a bumpy surface, used for

chewing food • 12 molars with a bumpy surface, used for chewing


Toothy facts

Elephants have four sets of teeth in their lifetime. Their tusks are the longest teeth in the world.

Poisonous snakes have hollow fangs which eject poison.

Dolphins have more teeth than any other animal. Some dolphins have over 200 teeth. Scientists can tell the age of a dolphin by the rings on their teeth.

Crocodiles have 60 teeth in their mouth at any one time and can grow up to 2-3,000 teeth during their lifetime.

Sharks - lose teeth each week. They get new teeth when they lose the old ones. They may have over 20,000 teeth in a lifetime.

Children lose teeth

• How many children in this class have had a tooth fall out – who’s got a wobbly tooth?

• Haw many of your teeth have fallen out?

• What happens to your teeth when they fall out – what do you do with them?

Tooth fairy vs tooth mouse

Losing teeth in different cultures

Keep your teeth poster


Donate your tooth

Palaces - examples


Palaces - sketch



Donate / recycle

Why should people donate to art / science?

What happens when your teeth fall out?

What other parts of your body fall off/ come off ?

What happens to these parts of your body when they come off ?

What else could we do with them?

Hairy idea: Clippings used to absorb oil spill

Locks of Love

Who has a tummy button? Do you know what it is for?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord after a baby is born. It is rich in stem cells, which can be used for bone marrow transplants.

Where can you see the palace?

Check out our website.

You will be able to find out how many teeth have been sent in and where they have come from.

Have more teeth been donated from children in London, Liverpool, or Mexico city?

See the Palace grow.

Ask the artist and scientist your questions.

Tell us your toothy stories.

Tell us what you think about donating a body part to become a piece of art.

Where can you see the palace?

In Museums and art galleries around the UK

Science museum April 7th – June 12th 2012

Bluecoat art gallery Liverpool 10th Dec 2011 – Feb 2012

Final side - PO Box

Donate your milk teeth - build the PALACE!


