Line symmetry




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Line Symmetry

The most common type of symmetry is line or mirror symmetry. A picture that can be folded in such a way that one-half of it is an exact reflection is said to have line symmetry.

Our color blot pictures have line symmetry.

Where is the line of symmetry here?

The two parts of the original pictures are mirror images of each other and are said to be congruent. Congruent means that both parts have the same shape and the same size.

Line symmetry is found in nature in all kinds of creatures and plants.

Where are the lines of symmetry here?

Human faces have line symmetry.

Masks can be symmetrical.

Human bodies are symmetrical as well.

Line symmetry can be found in human-made objects.

Any picture can be flipped to create line symmetry.

Line symmetry is also found in some letters of the alphabet.

Symmetrical letters may have one or two lines of symmetry.

Many artworks have lines of symmetry.

To cut out a symmetrical shape,first fold a paper in half. Next hold it by the fold, and then cut out the shape.

The End

Compiled by Nancy Walkup
