Light and shade


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Are black and white colours?

When did artists begin to think in 3D?How did they create volume?What is chiaroscuro?Who were the first artists that applied

this technique?

Chiaroscuro from the Italian means “light” and “dark”.

It refers to the use of light and shade to create volume and then the impression of 3D objects on a canvas.

Greek and Romans used this technique but it was LEONARDO DA VINCI in the 16th century who introduced it as a technique to create volume.

Then in the 17th century Caravaggio used it to its full potential.

Diego Velazquez in Spain is the main representative of the technique.

But mon ami….are black and white colours?

This is one of most debated issues about colour!

If you ask a scientist he will answer: “Black is not a colour, white is a color”.

But if you ask an artist or a child with crayons the answer will be: “Black is a color and white is not a color”.

We need to understand how colours exist first…

A tangible apple and an image on a screen.

A television creates objects through light energy.


Colour as light (reflection of wavelenghts)Color as pigments (molecular agents)

Colour as light (reflection of wavelenghts)

- Black is the absence of color.- White is the blending of all colour.

Color as pigments (molecular agents)Black is a colour (chemistry). Combine

the three primary colours and all the layers will generate a very dark colour.

White is not a color.

Now I get it!

The colour of a tangible object originates as a molecular colouring agent on the surface of the apple. We see the colour because that object reflects a colour to the eye.

= Every colour is the effect of a specific wavelenght.

The same theory applies to black and white.

The answer:

1. Black is not a color; a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes.

2. White is a color. White reflects all the colors of the visible light spectrum to the eyes.

TASK 1: to experiment with wax crayons to create depth and volume in fruit.
