Life of the Buddha Part 1


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Our story starts during a fine night in Lumbini, Nepal.

During this night, Queen Maya dreamed of a white elephant coming down from heaven and entering her womb.

The white elephant entering her womb that very night tells the queen that she will be having a child who is pure and powerful.

The elephant came from the heaven– it must be that the child is from the heaven too.

Later, when she gave birth to the child, instead of

experiencing pain the queen experienced a special vision in which she stood holding the

branch of a tree with her right hand while the gods Brahma

and Indra took the child painlessly from her side.

They then proceeded to honor the young child by offering him

ritual washings.

When king Suddhodana saw the child, he felt as if all his wishes had been fulfilled; and so he named the young prince “Siddhartha” which

means "one who has accomplished a goal"

He invited a Brahmin seer to make predictions about the

prince’s future. The seer examined the child with his

clairvoyance and told the king what he saw.

“There are signs that the boy could become either a king, a ruler of the entire world, or a

fully enlightened Buddha.

However, since the time for kings is now past it,

is certain that he will become a Buddha, and that influence will

affect the thousand million worlds like the rays of the sun.”

That’s a surprise!

How can a young boy become either a great

king or the great Buddha?

Maybe he can become great. Because people believed

miracle stories during his birth.

*Queen Maya not feeling any pain during Siddhartha’s birth.

* Baby Siddhartha being mysteriously washed by water

* The earth shook during his birth

* The baby Siddhartha walked 7 steps and declared he will become chief of the world.

Of course, King Suddhodana was worried about what he has heard.He wanted his son to the next leader of their clan.

He wanted his son to become a great rule of nations.


As the young prince grew up he mastered all the traditional

arts and sciences.

The young Siddhartha studied so to please his father and to

benefit others.

He was curious. He was smart. His relatives and the people around him were amazed by


At his father’s request he joined a school where, in

addition to various academic subjects, he became skilled at

sports archery.

This was just fitting for a future king– to have wisdom

and to be skilled.

The young prince was smart and inquisitive. He was curious about almost


This was a great concern for king Suddhodana. He did not

want the young prince to follow a religious life.

And so, the king gave Siddhartha everything and asked for him not to leave

their palace.

The young prince married princes Yasodhara when he

turned 16.

The marriage was arranged by king Suddhodana.

Prince Siddhartha and princess Yasodhara had

conceived a child.

So it seems that the young prince will become a king according to his father’s



During his life as a prince, Siddhartha visited the kingdom

of his father.

He wanted to know more about he kingdom of his father. One

day he told his father, "I must go out of the palace gate and see

how other people live."

His father agreed.

During his visits, however, he saw things that have left an

impression on his mind.

These sights were to become very important in his life and

his journey towards enlightenment.

During the first trip/vision he was deeply disturbed by seeing an old, man.

When the prince asked about this person, Channa (his charioteer) replied that aging was something that happens to all beings

On the second, he saw an emaciated and depressed man suffering from an advanced disease.

Once again, the prince was surprised at the sight, and Channa explained that all beings experience disease and pain. This further troubled the

mind of the young prince knowing that all can be sick and suffer.

On the third, he spotted a grieving family carrying the corpse of their relative to a cremation site.

Channa explained to the prince that death comes to everyone. This troubled the young prince so much.

On his fourth trip/vision, he saw a religious man who led a reclusive life of meditation, and was calm and serene.

This sight gave him hope that he too might be released from the sufferings arising from being repeatedly reborn.

The prince went back to the palace. A feast with dancers

were waiting for him.

However, all of these did not matter as he was already

thinking about what he saw.

It deeply bothered him. It deeply affected him

The prince already has a family.

The prince was already wealthy.

Prince Siddhartha can become the next king and become a

great ruler.

However, it seems that this life was not meant for him.

He must leave and find answers to what he has seen.

Prince Siddhartha left his family, the palace, the kingdom and the

chance to become a king.

He left his wife, child, luxurious lifestyle, and future role as a

leader of his people in order to seek truth.