Life Lessons



Visual essay

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Life Lessons

By: Jessa Basran

Many young people are self-absorbed. Meaning, they only care about themselves. Their mentality is “the whole world revolves around me.”

However, the world does not need people who are self-absorbed, but, people who care for others as well.

There is so much more to this

world than just “you.”

There are two different texts which hold a great example of people who are self-absorbed, and they are …

King Lear, written by William Shakespeare


The Stone Angel written by Margaret Laurence

King Lear

Hagar Shipley

• Self-absorbed

• Does not see what the world has to offer

• Dies too late, realizing what they have missed

When one is self-absorbed, many positive aspects of others around are missed; however, there are ways to improve

this lack of care.

1. Do Not Be Selfish

Start thinking about others

• Do Not Be Selfish

2. Think before you act, for there will be consequences

Every action has either a good or bad consequence.

Make that consequence a good one.

•Think before you act, for there will be consequences

3. Appreciate all that you have

Be happy with what you have, not with

what you do not have.

• Appreciate all that you have

As can

By following these few steps …

It is easy to be yourself and care for the world at the same time.

Works Cited


Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. Ed. David Staines. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1988.

Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Ed. Eric A. McCann. Mississauga: Canadian School Book Exchange, 1996.


Cartoon Vector Clip Art Graphics. 2007. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Gibson, Heidi. Caring for others. 27 April 2007. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Gillmor, Alison. The Stone Angel. 8 May 2008. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


King Lear. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Koh, Adrian. Selfish Man. 20 April 2009. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Works Cited Cont’d…

Moregn, Guten. King Lear. 5 October 2008. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Stone Briar Community Church. Caring for others. 24 March 2009. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009. <>

The Stone Angel. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009. <>

The World Peace Diet. Caring for the World. 29 March 2009. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


ToonDoo. Think before you act. 20 August 2007. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.


Travis Online.9 July 2007. Online Photograph. 18 May 2009.
